[SOLVED] MIPS: CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I Homework #4

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CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I

Homework #4

Spring 2017
Assignment Due: Sunday April 9, 2017 by 11:59 pm

(This assignment will be worth 125 pts.)

(There will be limited PIAZZA assistance from the TAs/Prof on April 8/9th. Plan accordingly!)

Assignment Overview

The focus of this homework assignment is on reading data from files, memory organization, and work- ing with multidimensional arrays in memory. This assignment also reinforces MIPS function calling and register conventions.

In this homework you will be implementing the functions to play Connect Four. For those unfamiliar, Con- nect Four is played by inserting colored chips in one of several columns, which then fall to the next unfilled slot in that column. It is a two-player game, and the first player to get four chips of their color in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins. Players use their color chip not only to get four in a row, but to block the other player by dropping chips to interrupt the other colors progress.

To implement the game, we will be using a 2D array to track the state of the board. As Connect Four is offered in several sizes, we will generalize the functions to support any board dimension. To succeed in this assignment, you should become familiar with loading from and storing to 2D arrays of arbitrary dimensions, as well as performing address arithmetic on 2D arrays containing objects of arbitrary size.

You MUST implement all of the functions in the assignment as defined. It is OK to implement additional helper functions of your own in hw4.asm .

You MUST follow the MIPS calling and register conventions. If you do not, you WILL lose points.

Do not submit a file with the functions/labels or defined. You will obtain a ZERO for the assignment if you do this.



If you are having difficulties implementing these functions, write out the pseudocode or implement the functions in a higher-level language first. Once you understand the algorithm and what steps to perform, then translate the logic to MIPS.

CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 1

When writing your program, try to comment as much as possible. Try to stay consistent with your formatting. It is much easier for your TA and the professor to help you if we can figure out what your code does quickly.

Understanding the Game Board

The Slot Object

Each slot of the game board will take up two bytes (a half-word) in memory. A slot can hold exactly one game piece. The higher addressed byte contains the ASCII character representing the piece in that slot. Valid values are R for a red piece, Y for a yellow piece, and . for a blank slot. The lower addressed byte contains the (unsigned) turn number specifying the turn when the piece was placed in that slot. As we are constrained by the range of a byte, this means turn numbers will be in the range of

. Empty slots will have a turn number of 0 . Slots with pieces will have a turn in the range .

The Board in Memory

Recall that 2D arrays can be stored in two ways: row-major order and column-major order. Our game board will be stored in row-major order. Because 2D arrays are implemented as an array of 1D arrays in memory, this means that the right-most slot in a row is followed in memory by the left-most slot of the next row. The 2D array will also order the rows such that the bottom of the board comes first. Thus, memory addresses will increase as we progress from the left-most slot to the right-most slot, and as we progress from the bottom-most row to the top-most row of the game board.

Notation and Terminology
Theboardwillhave n rowsand m columns,whichareinputparameters.

Throughout this document we will refer to slots of the board in (row, col) format. Position (0,0) of the boardisthebottom-leftcorner.Position (n-1, m-1) isthetop-rightcornerofaboard.

For example, the 42 slots in a board with 6 rows and 7 columns would be indexed as in the figure below.

Top of Board

[0, 255]

[1, 255]











































Bottom of Board

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Recall also that the bits of a byte, half-word, word, etc., are numbered from 0 to to k-1 starting from the right end of the k-bit unit. Thus, the byte of the slot object with the ASCII character uses bits [8, 15] and the byte with the turn number uses bits [0, 7] . For this reason, we may refer to the ASCII field of the slot object with the term upper byte and the turn number field as the lower byte. Note that referring to bytes in upper/lower fashion is common parlance, and is good to know beyond just the context of this assignment.

Getting Started
From the Resources section of Piazza download the files hw4.asm which you need for the assignment.

Atthetopofyour hw4.asm fileincommentsputyournameandSBUIDnumber.

# Homework #4# name: MY_NAME# sbuid: MY_SBU_ID

How to Test Your Functions

To perform basic tests on your functions, we suggest you write your own main functions in separate files which call each function independently. Remember to include your hw4.asm file in each of your main files using the line:

.include "hw4.asm"

Your assignment will not be graded using any of your mains!

Your main files will not be graded. No code that you include inside of the main files will be submitted. You will only submit your file via Sparky. Make sure that all code required for implementing your functions ( .text and ) are included in the hw4.asm file!

To make sure that your code is self-contained, try assembling your hw4.asm file by itself in MARS. If you get any errors (such as a missing label), this means that you need to refactor (reorganize) your code, possibly by moving labels you inadvertently defined in your mains to hw4.asm .

All functions implemented in the assignment must be placed in hw4.asm and follow the standard MIPS register conventions for functions taught in lecture. If you write your own helper functions, these also must be included in hw4.asm .

Note, there is no need to create any variables or memory storage for this homework in your hw4.asm . Therefore you should not declare a .data section in your hw4.asm file. Your functions should be im- plemented using ONLY of the information provided in the arguments. (Your main files will need to declare .data sections in order to call your functions with inputs.)



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Make sure to initialize your registers within your own functions! Never assume registers or memory will hold any particular values!

Each function will be tested independently and therefore should not rely on any information other than the state of the arguments provided to your function. Do not write any functions that expect certain labels to be available in the main file.

Part I: Slots

We will start with getting and setting the values of an individual slot of the 2D array that represents the board. In order to access a slot on the board, we must use the general formula for working with 2D arrays in memory. Generalizing is not only good practice, but necessary in a situation like this assignment where we will be working with boards of arbitrary dimensions. Consider the following scenario:

Supposeyouwouldliketoaccessthe inthe2Darray obj_arr.Thedimensionsof
rowsby m cols,andthelocationof isat inthe2Darray,where i isintherange[0, -1], and j is in the range [0, m -1]. The address of is then given by:

obj_arr[i][j] = base_address + (row_size * i) + (size_of(obj) * j)


row_size = num_cols * size_of(obj)

Notethat obj_arr[i][j] willbethecomputedaddressofwherethedesiredobjectstartsinmemory, and not the object itself. Also, consider why the size of a row is num_cols * size_of(obj) . Why does this make sense? How would this calculation vary if it were column-major order instead? What is thesizeofan obj forus?

Now go ahead and implement the following functions:

a. int set_slot(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols, int row, int col, char c, int turn_num)

This function takes in a 2D array by in size, calculates the address of a particular slot given by ( row , ), then stores the given and turn_num into the appropriate fields of the two-byte slot object in memory.

Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivenvalid num_rows and num_cols. You may also assume the board is in a valid game state.


board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
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is n


(i, j)







  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.
  • row : The row number of the slot being set.
  • col : The column number of the slot being set.
  • c : The character being stored in the upper byte of the slot.
  • turn_num : The (unsigned) turn number being stored in the lower byte of the slot.
  • returns:0forsuccess,-1forerror

    Return -1 for error in any of the following cases:

    • num_rows or num_cols is less than zero
    • row is outside the range of [0, num_rows -1]
    • col is outside the range [0, num_cols -1]
    • c is not characters R, Y or .
    • turn_num is outside the range [0, 255]

      Because the function has more than 4 arguments, the remaining arguments must be placed on the stack. The caller function will place the arguments col , c and turn_num on the stack prior to calling set_slot . At the start of the function, the stack pointer and arguments will be set as follows:

      Remember, it is the responsibility of the function that PLACES arguments on the stack before call- ing an inner function to also REMOVE those arguments when that inner function returns. As the in- ner function, set_slot will read the arguments, but it SHOULD NOT shrink the stack to remove them.

      b. (char piece, int turn) get_slot(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols, int row, int col)


CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 5

This function takes the board, which is a 2D array by num_cols in size, calculates the address of a particular slot given by ( row , ), then retrieves the ASCII character and turn number from the appropriate fields of the slot in memory.

Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and You may also assume the board is in a valid game state.


  • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.
  • row : The row number of the slot being fetched.
  • col : The col number of the slot being fetched.
  • returns: The (ASCII character read from the slot in $v0 , the turn number read from the slot in

    $v1 ) on success, or (-1,-1) on error
    Return (-1,-1) for error in any of the following cases:

    • num_rows or num_cols is less than zero
    • row is outside the range [0, num_rows -1]
    • col is outside the range [0, num_cols -1]

      Now that we are able to get and set individual slots, we can do much more powerful manipulations. The first test of our ability to change the state of the board will be to use set_slot to clear the board.

      Never assume that memory is in the state you want it to be in! The part of memory our board occu- pies may have previously been used by another program and thus have garbage data in it. To ensure a clean, appropriate state, we will have to explicitly set it.

      c. int clear_board(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols)

      This function will clear the board, removing all pieces. Loop over all cells of the 2D array and call set_slot for each entry. Set each slot to the default state: upper byte (ASCII field) to . and

      the lower byte (turn number) to 0.
      Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and

      num_cols . You may NOT assume the board is in a valid game state. Arguments:

board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
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num_cols .

  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board. returns:0forsuccess,-1forerror.

    Return-1forerrorif num_rows or num_cols islessthanzero.

    Part II: File Operations for Loading and Saving the Game To assist with reading and writing files, MARS defines several system calls. As with the other system

    calls you know, the system call number is placed in $v0 .

  • syscall13:openfile Arguments:
    • $a0 : address of null-terminated string containing filename
    • $a1 : flags
    • $a2 : mode (unused)


      $v0 : the file descriptor, which is an integer used internally to identify an open file (negative if error)

      Note: For syscall 13, MARS implements three flag values: 0 for read-only, 1 for write-only with create, and 9 for write-only with create and append. It ignores mode . The returned file descriptor will be negative if the operation failed.

  • syscall14:readfile Arguments:
    • $a0 : file descriptor (the integer returned by syscall 13)
    • $a1 : address of input buffer
    • $a2 : maximum # of characters to read


$v0 : the # of characters read (0 if end-of-file, negative if error)

syscall15:writefile Arguments:


MUST call


CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 7

  • $a0 : file descriptor (the integer returned by syscall 13)
  • $a1 : address of output buffer
  • $a2 : maximum # of characters to write


$v0 : the # of characters written (0 if end-of-file, negative if error)

The underlying file I/O implementation uses to read and to write. MARS maintains file descriptors internally and allocates them starting with 3. File descriptors 0, 1 and 2 are always open for: reading from standard input, writing to standard output, and writing to standard error, respectively. An example

of these system calls in action can be found on the MARS website.
Using these syscalls, write the following functions to support loading and saving the game state to a

d. (int num_rows, int num_cols) load_board(slot[][] board, char[] filename)

This function opens a file referred to by filename as read only and initializes with the information. The file is stored in UNIX ASCII format (meaning each line is ended with only). On

Windows machines, newlines are stored as r
. Create all your test files using MARS to prevent any issues.

The file is formatted as:


The first line of the file describes the dimensions of the board, where rr is a two-digit number specifyingthenumberofrowsintheboardand cc isatwo-digitnumberspecifyingthenumberof columns in the board.

The remaining lines in the file represent the state of the game board. To save space in the file when saving, empty slots are omitted. Therefore, only slots with pieces will be in the file on load. Each subsequent line corresponds to a single slot in the board. Each line is formatted as , where rr is the two-digit row for the piece, cc is the two-digit column for the piece, is the piece color ( R or Y ), and ttt is the three-digit turn number for the placement of the piece. All numbers are expressed in base 10.




You may assume each line is always properly formatted, and the file contains at least the first line. You may also assume board points to memory of sufficient size to hold the game state you are loading.



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Example input file for a valid 4 row by 5 column game which has 5 moves:


In this example input file, Red started by placing a piece at position (0,2). Followed by Yellow placing a piece at position (0,1). Red continued with a piece at position (0,0). Yellow at position (1,1). Finally, Red at (2,1).

Example input file for a valid 9 row by 12 column game which has 0 moves:



  • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
  • filename : The name and path of the file which contains Connect Four game data.
    returns: (number of rows in $v0 , the number of columns in $v1 ) on success, (-1,-1) on error

    Return (-1,-1) for error in any of the following cases:

anyfileerroroccurs thenumberofrowsorcolumnsintheboardisequaltozero theturnnumberforanypieceisoutsidetherange[1,255]

row for a piece is outside the range [0, num_rows -1] col for a piece is outside the range [0, num_cols -1]

This function only checks for valid input data as specified above. It DOES NOT error check the validity of the pieces placed in the board or the game rules. You will implement a another function, validate_board tocheckforvalidgamestate/boardtoplay.


MUST call


e. int save_board(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols, char[] filename) Thisfunctionwillopenthefilespecifiedby filename forwrite-onlywithcreate,outputthecurrent

state of the board in the proper format, and close the file. Proper output file format requires the following:

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  • Thefirstlineofthefileispresentandisformatted rrcc
  • Thefirstlineisfollowedbyalineinthefileperpieceintheboardintheformat .The pieces in the board MUST BE outputted in row-major order to the file, to

    Onewaytocheckifyououtputtedcorrectly,istoreadthefilecreatedwith load_board. Arguments:



(n-1, m-1)

board : The starting address of the 2D array holding the state of the game board. num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
num_cols : The number of columns in the board.
filename : The name and path of the file to store the Connect Four game data.

returns: number of slot in the board which contain pieces (ie. total number of piece played) on success, -1 on error

Return -1 for error in any of the following cases:

if num_rows or num_cols arelessthanzero thefilecannotbeopenedorwrittento

f. byte validate_board(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols)

This function will check for the validity of the game board.

Recall from earlier that the size of the turn number field places some constraints on the range of a turn number. This field size likewise places some constraints on the size of our board. Because the maximum turn number is 255, the max number of slots must also be 255. Additionally, for someone to win in game play the board must be of sufficient size to allow 4 pieces to be placed in a row. Thus, the minimum number of rows and columns must each be set at 4.

It is possible that the board is invalid in multiple ways. Therefore, we will use a bit vector to repre- sent the ways the board is invalid.

For each of the following possible error situations, set the specified bit of $v0 to 1 if the error is present, and 0 if the error is not present. Bit #0 is the least significant (rightmost) bit of the byte, and bit #7 is the most significant (leftmost) bit.

Bit0: num_rows islessthan4.
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MUST call


Bit1: num_cols islessthan4.

  • Bit2: num_rows * num_cols isgreaterthan255.
  • Bit 3: The absolute difference between the number of placed red pieces and yellow pieces is greater than 1.
  • Bit4:TheredandyellowpiecesDONOTalternateturnnumbers.
  • Bit5:Anemptyslotexistsbelowapiece.
  • Bit6:Apiecewithalowerturnnumberresidesaboveapiecewithahigherturnnumber.
  • Bit7:Thereare2ormorepieceswiththesameturnnumberortheturnnumbersdonotstart at 1.

    Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and num_cols . You may NOT assume the board is in a valid game state.


board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board. num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
num_cols : The number of columns in the board.



MUST call



We have provided sample input files to test each of the error situations above indepen- datly. We encourage you to make your own input files which test them in combination.

Part III: Gameplay

g. int display_board(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols)

In order for players to see the state of the board, it must be printed on request. This function will take the state of the board and print it in a grid num_rows by in size. The characters printedshallbe R forredpieces, Y foryellowpieces,and forblankslots.

Giventhefollowinggamestate(asseeninthe load_board description), display_board would print the corresponding output:



CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 11

Game state




Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and num_cols . You may also assume the board is in a valid game state.


  • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.

    Return-1if num_rows or num_cols arelessthanzero.


MUST call



This function drops a piece into column col of the board. The piece will be placed in the lowest empty slot of col .

Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and num_cols . You may also assume the board is in a valid game state.


  • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.
  • col : The column number to drop the piece into.
  • piece: R or Y.
  • turn_num : The turn number being stored in the lower byte of the slot. All values > 255

    result in error.
    CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 12

h. int drop_piece(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols, int col, char piece, int turn_num)

piece willbepassedas0($sp),and turn_num willbepassedas4($sp).

Return -1 in any of the following cases:

  • if num_rows or num_cols arelessthanzero
  • col is outside the range of [0, num_col -1]
  • piece is not R or Y
  • turn_num is greater than 255
  • thereisnoavailableslotsin col toplacethepiece

    i. (char piece, int turn_num) undo_piece(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols)

    If youve ever played Connect Four, youve probably dropped a piece in the wrong column or gen- erally wanted to take back a move. This function will check the board for the last piece dropped and reset the corresponding slot in the board back to default ( . and 0). The color of the piece removed is returned with the turn number.

    If there is no turn to undo (meaning the first move hasnt happened yet) then the function will return ( . , -1).

    While there is more than one way to undo a move, consider this: the state of the board is always passed to the function, therefore it should only consider the board it was given. DO NOT track the last move by storing it in memory. The functions are designed to get all necessary information from their parameters and theoretically could be used to maintain different games simultaneously. This means you should not store values across function calls in labels in your hw4.asm s .data section.

    Additionally, there is also algorithmic efficiency to consider. Where will you find the most recent dropped pieces on the board? You can get away with not checking all of the slots because in any column the most recent piece will be at the top.

    Youmayassumethe board istheappropriatesizewhengivennon-negative num_rows and num_cols . You may also assume the board is in a valid game state.


    • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
    • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
    • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.


MUST call




CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 13

returns:for piece return . ifnomovecanbeundone, R ifaredpiecewasremovedor Y if a yellow piece was removed. Return the turn_num of the piece removed, or -1 if no

moves have been made.
Return ( . , -1) in any of the following cases:

if num_rows or num_cols arelessthanzero

j. char check_winner(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols)

This function searches the entire board to determine if a player has won the game. In the real game, a player can win by placing 4 in a row on a horizontally, vertically, or diagonally within the board. We will ONLY be handling horizontal and vertical placement. NO DIAGONALS!

You may assume the board is the appropriate size given num_rows and num_cols , and that they are greater than 4. You may also assume the board is in a valid game state (there is only 1 winner, but they could win in multiple ways).



MUST call




We highly suggest you write out pseudo code or HLL code for your algorithm PRIOR to implementing this function!

board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board. num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
num_cols : The number of columns in the board.

returns: . if no winner yet, R if a red player has won or Y if the yellow player has won.


MUST call


Extra Credit (15pts possible)

For those who want to implement and play the true connect4 game, additionally implement a func- tion to check for diagonal wins for extra credit.

k. char check_diagonal_winner(slot[][] board, int num_rows, int num_cols) This function searches the entire board to determine if a player has won the game with a diagonal

You may assume the board is the appropriate size given num_rows and num_cols , and that

CSE 220 Spring 2017 Homework #4 Page 14

they are greater than 4. You may also assume the board is in a valid game state (there is only 1 winner, but they could win in multiple ways).


  • board : The starting address of a 2D array holding the state of the game board.
  • num_rows : The number of rows in the board.
  • num_cols : The number of columns in the board.

    returns: . if no winner yet, R if a red player has won on a diagonal line or Y if the yellow player has won on a diagonal line.

    Hand-in Instructions
    See Sparky Submission Instructions on Piazza for hand-in instructions.

There is no tolerance for homework submission via email. Work must be submitted through Sparky. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your homework. If you are struggling, stop by office hours for additional help.

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[SOLVED] MIPS: CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I Homework #4
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