[Solved] In the SQLClass database create a table called Employee.


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Q.1..Write sql statements to do the following

In the SQLClass database create a table called Employee. It should contain the following fields that contain information about the employees. Set the EmployeeID as an Identity Key:

a. Employee_ID int

b. EmployeeNumber VarChar (120)

c. Title VarChar (120)

d. Salary Numeric

e. HireDate DateTime

f. CreatedDateTime DateTime


Write sql statements to do the following:

Write SQL to modify Employee table to SET EmployeeID as Primary Key


Write SQL to modify Customers table to SET CA as the DEFAULT for cust_state column


Write SQL code to Add olumn CreatedDate with a data type as Datetime to Customers table


Write a sql statements to do the following:

Write SQL code to DROP HireDate column from the Employee table


Write sql statements to do the following

USE SQLClasss database. Create a view named vCustomerOrders. The view is based on the Customers and Order tables. Write INNER JOIN to return the following columns: cust_id from Customers table; Order Number and Order Date from the Orders table;


Write sql statements to do the following:

USE SQLClass database. Create a view named vCustomerName. The view is based in the Customers table. Return the Customer Name, Address, City, State and Zipcode. In WHERE clause remove all records which have a NULL value in the email column.


Write sql statements to do the following:

User SQLClass database. Create view named vOrderItemCost. The VIEW is based on the OrderItems table. Return the Order Number. Create new derived calculated column named TotalItemCost multiplying quantity by item price from the OrderItems table.


Write sql statements to do the following:

Use SQLClass database. Delete the Employee table.


Write sql statements to do the following:

Use SQLClass database. Delete the Employee table.


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[Solved] In the SQLClass database create a table called Employee.