[Solved] SOLVED:Ride Across the River


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The problem, in general In your work on this project, youll write a program that is capable of displaying information about a trip from one location to another (e.g., driving directions between two street addresses). For example, you might display turn-by-turn directions, an estimate of how long it might take to get from one location to another, and so on. Youll use real-world map data real cities, real streets to solve your problem.

So, when youre done, your program will be a very simple navigation system, not entirely unlike the ones you see on some smartphones or in some cars. If you want to know how to drive from Bren Hall at UCI to Staples Center in Los Angeles, your program will be able to tell you.

That may sound like something that is well beyond your current skill level and/or time you have available, that youre being asked to build a complete, professional system that would ordinarily be written by a large team of people over a period of months. And, indeed, if you had to write the entire system from scratch, that would certainly be true; it would take even a seasoned professional a lot longer than the time allotted to complete a task like that, and would require skills well beyond whats been taught in your coursework to date.

But there is good news here: We operate in an interconnected world, where information of all kinds is available to us in web browsers, smartphone applications, and so on. And were fortunate that a lot of that information is available for free, not just in a way that lets us view it in a web browser, but in a way that makes it available to the programs we write.

Provided that we can find an online service that provides the information we need, and provided that were licensed to use it either because its free and we meet the terms of use, or because were willing to pay for the privilege we can use it to solve our problem. As it turns out, the information we need to solve this particular problem is available online, in a form that can be consumed by a Python program, and licensed in a way that lets us use it (because it is free for non-commercial use).

The only trick is figuring out how to get the information into our program. Luckily for us, the service that provides this information uses standard protocols and formats that are common on the Internet; even better, all of these protocols and formats are implemented already in Pythons standard library, so the low-level details will not be our concern, and we can focus on the more interesting parts of the problem.

The MapQuest Open Data APIs MapQuest is a company that is in the business of providing online services for displaying maps, providing directions, reporting on current traffic conditions, and other related services. While theyre a for-profit company, some of their services are provided free of charge for non-commercial use.

As long as youre not building a product from which youll be trying to make money, you can use MapQuests free services, with the one additional caveat that you have to follow the rules laid out in their license. These kinds of license restrictions are no joke, so well spend a little time to be sure were taking them seriously. For our work on this project, youll be concerned with two parts of the Open MapQuest API, provided by a company called MapQuest; well need both the Open Directions Service and the Open Elevation Service.

Both of these are web-based APIs, similar to the one we used in the code example in which we downloaded and displayed information about YouTube videos. Like YouTubes API, the Open MapQuest API uses HTTP, with queries described using a URL, and with responses returned in JSON format.

Fortunately, all of these technologies are supported in Pythons standard library, so most of the details are things that will be handled for us automatically, but, as we saw in the YouTube example, there are some things we need to get right, and not all of the details wil be the same in the MapQuest example as they were in the YouTube example, so itll be vital for you to understand why we did the things we did in the code example, so you can know whether and where the same techniques apply.

The two APIs youll need are described in detail at the links below. You certainly wont need to read all of the documentation, but youll want to take a look around and familiarize yourself with what the API can do, because part of your goal in this project is to decide what parts of the API youll need to solve your problem.MapQuest Open Directions Service documentationMapQuest Open Elevation Service documentation

Creating an account and getting an AppKey Like YouTubes API that we saw in class, MapQuests API requires an API Key, which links your usage of the API to an account and authorizes you to use the API. Before you can make use of the API, youll need to obtain your own API Key and due to usage restrictions, we wont all be able to share the same key, so each of you will need to take this step.

Do not share your API Key with other students! Youll only need to do this once, and youll be able to use your API Key for all of your work on this project once its been created. And, dont worry, obtaining the API Key is free for non-commercial uses like ours.Visit the MapQuest Developer site in your browser.

Part of the way down the page, youll see a blue button that says Get Your Free API Key. Click that button.A form will be displayed, in which you can choose a username, a password, and so on. Fill in the necessary information, and be sure to use an email address that you have access to; youll need to receive emails from MapQuest along the way.

Once youve created your account, youll be logged in and presented with some choices, one of which is Keys & Reporting. Click that.

Youll then see a green button that says Create a New App. Click that, because youre going to be writing an application that uses the Open MapQuest APIs.

When asked, supply an App Name (maybe ICS 32 Project 3 would be a good choice). The Callback URL is not important for us, since were not building a web application, so you can specify the URL of my Project 3 web page: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics32/ProjectGuide/Project3/Now that your application has been created within your MapQuest Developer profile, an API key will have been associated with it.

Click the name of your application, which you should now see on the page, which will reveal more information about it. Make a note of both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret somewhere; youll need these later. Notice, too, that there is a limit on the number of times you can use the API each month currently 15,000 transactions per month and that you can see in this same area of the MapQuest Developer web site how many of these transactions youve used at any given time. The limit should be plenty for our use, but you may nonetheless want to keep an eye on it.

After youve completed this process, your MapQuest API Key will have been created, though it should be noted that it might take a little bit of time for it to become active, so dont panic if youre not able to use it right away. Testing your API Key Wait a little while after creating your API Key, then its time to test that its working. Open your favorite web browser; enter a URL in the following format into the browsers address bar and press Enter, replacingAPIKEY with the Consumer Key part of the API key that you created in the previous step. http://open.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=APIKEY&from=Irvine%2CCA&to=Los+Angeles%2CCA If successful, you should receive a result that looks roughly like this (though youll get a lot more output than this): {route:{hasTollRoad:false,computedWaypoints:[],fuelUsed:1.93,hasUnpaved:false,hasHighway:true,realTime:-1, boundingBox:{ul:{lng:-118.244476,lat:34.057094},lr:{lng:-117.794593,lat:33.6847}},distance:40.675,time:2518, locationSequence:[0,1],hasSeasonalClosure:false,sessionId:545ca8d0-03c3-001e-02b7-7cb8-00163edfa317, locations:[{latLng:{lng:-117.825982,lat:33.685697},adminArea4:Orange County,adminArea5Type:City, adminArea4Type:County,adminArea5:Irvine,street:,adminArea1:US,adminArea3:CA,type:s, displayLatLng:{lng:-117.825981,lat:33.685695},linkId:44589954,postalCode:,sideOfStreet:N, dragPoint:false,adminArea1Type:Country,geocodeQuality:CITY,geocodeQualityCode:A5XCX,adminArea3Type:State},

You may recognize from lecture that this format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), which is a common format of information returned from web APIs like this one. Unfortunately, its not presented in a way thats particularly readable for us though, in general, thats not a problem for our program, because our program doesnt have the same aesthetic needs that we do.

To take your first look at whats being returned, you might find it useful to copy all of the text returned to you, then visit jsonprettyprint.com and paste the text and ask for it to be pretty-printed. Youll now see the same text, but spaced in a way that will make its structure more obvious to a human reader. Once its pretty-printed, take a look through MapQuests response dont worry if you dont understand every detail, but start to get a rough sense of what kind of information is available and how its organized.

When you want to know the details, the API documentation will explain everything you need, and youll find that you can discover a lot of the details through additional experimentation. But its important that you allow yourself to build an understanding gradually; this is not something youll necessarily be able to figure out right away, but a lot of the information wont turn out to be relevant in this project, anyway.

One characteristic that distinguishes real-world work from the often-sanitized kinds of projects you do in courses like this is the need to find small nuggets of information you need amongst large amounts of documentation that is largely irrelevant to the problem you want to solve; I want you to start building those skills (and alleviate your fears about this kind of thing) now, so you can start working on your own programs that are more real and, thus, more exciting.

Respecting MapQuests license Being the owner of the service, MapQuest has a license that describes the conditions under which youre permitted to use it. For the curious, the license (a Terms of Use document) for MapQuests open platform (the parts it doesnt sell) is available at the link below. If youve never looked at the license for a software product, take a minute or two to see what one looks like; when you build software that depends on other software, what you can and cant do with the other software will generally be described in a license like this one.MapQuest Terms and ConditionsOpen MapQuest Terms of Use

Dont feel like you need to read the whole thing in detail, but at least spend a little time getting familiar with what a license like this looks like; if you want to work in technology, it wont be the last one of these youll see. Im certainly not a lawyer, but I do know how to skim through a license to see whether there are obvious red flags that suggest that I wont be able to use a product in the way I plan to. And for the parts Im less sure about, I can seek legal counsel and sometimes my employers will require (and provide) legal oversight, but it helps if I understand the basics of the license first. In general, what we care about in MapQuests license are a few things:

You cant disrupt their services intentionally flooding it with requests, for example.You cant use their services in a commercial application without establishing a commercial relationship with MapQuest (and, notably, paying them). Since you wont be selling your project, this is no problem.You cant make more than 15,000 requests to MapQuests API using your API Key in any given month. This is not likely to impact your work, but it is worth being aware of this restriction. Note that this is one of the reasons why sharing your API Key with other students can be problematic. If multiple students use the same API Key, there exists the very real possibility that this limit will be reached while you work or while we grade the projects! even though 15,000 requests per month is plenty for one person.

The Open MapQuest APIs provide map data that actually belongs to another organization called OpenStreetMap. Their license requires that we print a copyright message in our output, so well be sure to do that.The program, in detail Your program will describe a trip taken between a sequence of locations, the goal being to travel from the first location to the second, then from the second location to the third, and so on, until reaching the last location. Based on the users input, it will show different information about the trip, such as turn-by-turn directions, distances and times, etc. The input Your program will take input in the following format. It should not prompt the user in any way; it should simply read whatever input is typed into the console, and you should assume that your user knows the precise input format.

An integer whose value is at least 2, alone on a line, that specifies how many locations the trip will consist of.If there are n locations, the next n lines of input will each describe one location. Each location can be a city such as Irvine, CA, an address such as 4545 Campus Dr, Irvine, CA, or anything that the Open MapQuest API will accept as a location. (The details of what is acceptable as a location is described here. Your program wont need to validate this input, but youll need to expect that you might not get a valid response if you use something that MapQuest wont accept; youll need to experiment with the Open MapQuest APIs to see how they respond to invalid locations.)A positive integer (i.e., whose value is at least 1), alone on a line, that specifies how many outputs will need to be generated.

If there are m outputs, the next m lines of input will each describe one output. Each output can be one of the following:STEPS for step-by-step directions, meaning a brief description of each maneuver (e.g., a turn, entering or exiting a freeway, etc.) you would have to make to drive from one location to anotherTOTALDISTANCE for the total distance traveled if completing the entire tripTOTALTIME for the total estimated time to complete the entire tripLATLONG for the latitude and longitude of each of the locations specified in the inputELEVATION for the elevation, in feet, of each of the locations specified in the input

You can feel free to assume that the input will match the format described above; we will not be testing cases where it doesnt, so you can do anything youd like up to and including crashing in such cases. The output (when a route was found by MapQuest) After reading the input and processing it downloading information from the MapQuest API, etc. your program will generate the specified outputs in the forms described below. Each output must be preceded by a blank line, to set each one off from the others. The outputs must be written in the order that they were specified in the input (e.g., if the input said TOTALDISTANCE, then LATLONG, thenTOTALTIME, the outputs must be shown in that order).

The STEPS output should begin with the word DIRECTIONS alone on a line, followed by one line of output for each maneuver that needs to be made along the path from the first location to the last.The TOTALDISTANCE output should be the words TOTAL DISTANCE, followed by a colon and a space, followed by the total distance (in an integer number of miles, rounded to the nearest mile) for the entire trip.

The TOTALTIME output should be the words TOTAL TIME, followed by a colon and a space, followed by the total time (in an integer number of minutes, rounded to the nearest minute) that would be required to take the entire trip.

The LATLONG output should be the word LATLONGS alone on a line, followed bby a latitude and longitude, one of each per line, for each of the locations specified in the input, in the order specified in the input. The latitude should come first, followed by a space, followed by the longitude.

The latitudes format is a number of degrees (formatted to two decimal places) followed by either N for north or S for south.The longitudes format is a number of degrees (formatted to two decimal places) followed by either W for west or E for east.

The ELEVATION output should be the word ELEVATIONS alone on a line, followed by an integer number of feet of elevation, one per line, for each of the locations specified in the input, in the order specified in the input. If MapQuest reports the elevation with a decimal part, round to the nearest integer.After the last output, print a blank line, and then the following copyright statement, alone on a line: Directions

Courtesy of MapQuest; Map Data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors. The output (when no route was found by MapQuest) When no route was found by MapQuest e.g., if you look for driving directions from Irvine, CA to Lisbon, Portugal, you wont find any the program should simply output a blank line, followed by NO ROUTE FOUND alone on a line.

This also includes the scenario where one or more of the locations was not valid (e.g., you looked for driving directions between locations that MapQuest did not recognize). The output (when MapQuest returns some other kind of error) When MapQuest returns another kind of error, other than a route not being found (e.g., the AppKey was invalid, you have no network connectivity, or MapQuest was down), the program should simply output a blank line, followed by MAPQUEST ERROR alone on a line. An example of the programs execution The following is an example of the programs execution, as it should be. Boldfaced, italicized text indicates input, while normal text indicates output.

Note that the map data (the maneuvers, latitudes and longitudes, etc.) are hypothetical; I havent taken them directly from MapQuest, since the goal of this example is to demonstrate the format. 3 4533 Campus Dr, Irvine, CA 1111 Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 5 LATLONG STEPS TOTALTIME TOTALDISTANCE ELEVATION LATLONGS 33.68N 117.77W 34.02N 118.41W 36.11N 115.17W DIRECTIONS West on Campus Dr. Right on Bristol CA-73 North Transition to I-405 North Transition to I-110 North Exit 9th Street South on S Figueroa St. Left on W 18th St. Enter I-10 East from W 18th St. Transition to I-15 North Exit S Las Vegas Blvd. TOTAL TIME: 317 minutes TOTAL DISTANCE: 365 miles ELEVATIONS 542 211 2001 Directions Courtesy of MapQuest; Map Data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors

An example implementation If youd like to experiment with a completely implemented example of this program, which demonstrates the output you are required to generate based on the input your program receives, a version is available at the link below, which you can run directly within your browser.Example Implementation

Note that youll need your MapQuest API Key before you can experiment with the example implementation, so if you havent created that yet, do that before proceeding.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Ride Across the River