[Solved] SOLVED:Project #1

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• Purpose: Array of objects

• Assignment:The USB Bank can handle up to 30 customers who have saving account and checking account.Design and implement a program that manages the accounts.Each customer has a name, phone number , an id, and account balance.Allow each customer to make deposit and withdrawal. Produce appropriate error message for invalid transaction.To solve the problem you are to create a Customer account, CheckingAccount class which is a child of Customer class and SavingAccount class, which is a child of Customer class. You should create also a Bank class which will hold the list of customers( Savings or Checking)

• Create a Customer class:• With the customer name ( last name, first name), id ( a string)• Create three contactors:• A default constructor that set the last name, first name, and the id to empty strings.• A constructor which accepts last name, first name, id.• A constructor that accepts only the first name and last name. ( the constructor will set the id to empty string)• A constructor that accepts only the id

• Create a Checking account class which is a child of Customer• Create a Savings account class which is a child of Customer

• The Checking and Saving classes each will have:• Variable called balance (double) ( no other variables).• Three contactors:• A default constructor that set the last name, first name, and the id to empty strings, and the balance to zero• A constructor which accepts last name, first name, id, and account balance.• A constructor that accepts only the first name and last name. (the constructor will set the id to empty string, and the balance to zero)• A constructor that accepts only the id, will set the first name, last name to empty string and the balance to zero

• Methods to• Deposit money to the account ( called Deposit)public void deposit(double amount);After the deposit provide a message:o Display the message:Customer: last name first name , idType of account ( Savings or Checking)Balance :

o If try to deposit a negative amount, generate an error message:—ERROR—invalid deposit amountCustomer: last name first name, idType of account ( Savings or Checking)Balance: Amount :

• Withdraw from the accounts (called Withdrawal).public void withdraw(double amount);After the withdraw provide a message:Customer: last name first name, idType of account ( Savings or Checking)Balance : o If try to withdraw a negative numberGenerate an error:—ERROR— invalid withdrawal amountCustomer: last name first name, idType of account ( Savings or Checking)Balance ; < put here the old balanceAmount Requested:

o If try to withdraw more money then have in balance then withdraw only the balance ( i.e. set the account to zero) and give a message:—ERROR: insufficient fundsCustomer: last name first name, idType of account ( Savings or Checking)Balance : Amount Requested : put here the amount that was requestedAmount Received: put here the available balance

• These classes ( all three) overrides the following methods:o toString which returns the last name, first name, id, and balance, type of account ( Savings or Checking)public String toString()

o equals to compare if two customers are the samepublic boolean equals(Object obj) ( the parameter has to be Object)This method checks if two customers are equal to each other by the id, if the id is empty string check by last name and first name

o compareTo public int compareTo(Comparable obj)Look at the method description in the Comparable interface. compare the objects by the id.

• Create Bank class that has:• the list of customers as private data,• and the count of actual number of customers in the bank

The bank class should have methods to:

• Add a new customer to the listpublic void add (Customer aCustomer)If the list is not full, this method will add a new customer to the end of the list.If the list is full, the method will call a method insureCapacity() to increase the array size, and will add a new customer to the end of the list.

• Increase the array sizeprivate void InsureCapacity()This is a private method, which creates a new temporary array which has the capacity the original array plus 10 more, and stores in the array the data from the original array, and then assign list to the temporary array.

• Delete a customer from the account, if the customer is not in the list return false, else return true ( this method can call find method for help)public boolean delete (Customer aCustomer)

• Find index of the customer in the list. This private method will return the index of the customer in the list, or return -1 if the customer is not in the listprivate int FindIndex (Customer aCustomer)

• Retrieve a customer (will return an object of the class Customer)public Customer retrieve (Customer aCustomer)

• Sorting the arraySorting the array in ascending order by Last name and then First Namepublic static sort (Comparable[] list)

3.CREATE a UML diagram for each class

4. Write a test class called BankTest ( this class has main in it)• This class has a menu(String st) method, this method has the following options:1. Add a customer2. Deposit3. Withdraw4. Retrieve a customers5. Remove a customer6. Sort the customers (in ascending order by last name and first name)7. Print the list of customers ( last name first name, id, and balance)8. Quit• The main method is doing the followings:

// create an object of the class BankBank bank = new Bank();

• Read from a file a list of customers, and add them to the Bank list• You are going to have the following code in main:

Public static void main ( String[] args){

//Sort the customers in ascending order based on the last and //first nameSystem.out.println(“sort the list”);bank.menu(“6”);bank.menu( “7”);

// print the customer listSystem.out.println(“print the list”);bank.menu( “7”);

//Withdraw $125 from Smith John accountSystem.out.println(“Withdraw $125 from Smith John account”);

bank.menu( “3 : 125, Smith John”);bank.menu( “7”);

//Withdraw $300 from Smith John accountSystem.out.println(“Withdraw $300 from Smith John account”);Bank.menu( “3 : 300, Smith John”);bank.menu( “7”);

//Deposit $500 to Clinton Hillery’s accountSystem.out.println(“Deposit $500 to Clinton Hillery’s account”);bank.menu( “2 : 500, Clinton Hillery”);System.out.println(bank);//Remove Obama Barak from the listSystem.out.println(“Remove Obama Barak from the list”);bank.menu( “5 : Obama Barak”);bank.menu( “7”);

//Deposit -$100 into George Bush accountSystem.out.println(“Deposit -$100 into George Bush account”);bank.menu( “2 : -100 George Bush”);

//Withdraw -$50 from Biden Joe accountSystem.out.println(“Withdraw -$50 from Biden Joe account “);bank.menu( “3 : -50 Biden Joe”);bank.menu( “7”);

//Display the customer list after each one of the above operations.• Continue displaying the menu until the user wish to stop – pressed 7 to quit (Do not ask the user after each operation if he want to continue yes/no, just display the menu)

Test your program with the following data:

Smith John (212)444-7866 325.60 savingBiden Joe (716)111-3356 2000.53 checkingObama Barak (310)777-1212 5000.32 checkingBoehner John (509)888-1234 6120.55 savingsBush George (607)567-2345 200.00 savingsClinton Hillery (212)456-2378 1000.50 checking

See the attached Coding Styles for your program.

Due Date :March 4th LAB (you have to demonstrate to me that the lab is working)

Hand In and Grading Criteria:

For grading submit the following items in a closeable large envelop (no folders) with your name clearly stated outside:Everything must be typed – no handwritten external documentation will be accepted.• A cover sheet with your name, project number, and section• Your program design – UML, Javadocs, pseudocode, etc (hard copies)• A hard copy of the source files• A hard Copy of the test cases stapled together with your name marked on top• A hard copy of the program output• You will be required to show me that the programs are working

The following criteria will be used to grade your work.• Program correctness – program runs successfully and as expected• Adherence to specifications – appropriate control structures, modular design, etc• Documentation – internal and external, meaningful variable names, etc• Neatness / Organization – indentation, block formatting, etc

See the evaluation sheet attached to these specifications.

Coding Style Example:

Note the indentation, white space, and meaningful names.

/** Program CSC 225 Prog1* Course Title: Introduction to Computer Science* Course number: CIS 225-xxx* Instructor: Sara Wexler* @author Your Name* @version 1.0, 1/10/200x** Description: Program CIS 225 Prog1* This class computes the area of a circle. The radius is hard coded in the class.** Input: radius** Compute: area* radius times radius times PI (3.14159)** @author Your Name* @version 1.0, 9/6/2003*/

public class ComputeArea{/** Main method */public static void main(String[] args) {double radius;double area;

// Assign a radiusradius = 20;

// Calculate the areaarea = radius * radius * 3.14159;

// Display resultsSystem.out.println(“The area for the circle of radius ” +radius + ” is ” + area);

} // end for main method

} // end for class ComputeArea

/*** Change the current capacity of this bag.* @param minimumCapacity* the new capacity for this bag• Data is instance variable the array in this class* @postcondition* This bag’s capacity has been changed to at least minimumCapacity.* If the capacity was already at or greater than minimumCapacity,* then the capacity is left unchanged.* @exception OutOfMemoryError* Indicates insufficient memory for: new int[minimumCapacity].**/public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity){int biggerArray[ ];

if (data.length < minimumCapacity){biggerArray = new int[minimumCapacity];System.arraycopy(data, 0, biggerArray, 0,manyItems);data = biggerArray;}}


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[Solved] SOLVED:Project #1
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