[Solved] SOLVED:Programming II Time Complexity

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Assignment: Find T(n), f(n), c, and n0 for each of the code fragments given in Figures 1, 2, and 3. Put the results of your analysis in your report in the algorithm section. Your analysis should be patterned after the analysis in Figure 8. Transform the code fragment into while-loops. Account for the cost of each line. Sum the total and express it in closed form. Write functions af01, af02, and af03 that return T(n) according to your analysis. Functions af01, af02, and af03 compute T(n) analytically. Model your design of functions af01, af02, and af03 after example analytical function af00 shown in Figure 6. Write functions ef01, ef02, and ef03 that return T(n) by counting the number of times each statement in the code fragment executes. Functions ef01, ef02, and ef03 compute T(n) empirically. Mode your design of functions ef01, ef02, and ef03 after example empirical function ef00 shown in Figure 7. Put all functions that compute T(n) in file F09.cpp. Write function prototypes for each of your functions and put them in file F09.h. Write file p09.cpp that tests all six functions in file F09.cpp. File p09.cpp contains function main. Write functions in file p09.cpp that read separate files containing values of n for each code fragment. Refer to the input section to determine which files contain data for functions ef01 and af01; ef02 and af02; and ef03 and af03. Create file p09make containing instructions for the UNIX utility make that compile and link program p09. Prohibition: Use of the C++ Standard Template Library is prohibited in the implementation of this project. Program Files: Project 9 consists of files p09.cpp, F09.h, F09.cpp, and p09make. Project file names are exactly as given. Failure to employ the foregoing names will result in a score of zero (0) for this project Project files must be stored in the root directory of your student account. Failure to store project files in the root directory of your student account will result in a score of zero (0) for this project. File Description p09.cpp File p09.cpp contains functions that process command line arguments and exercise analytical and empirical functions. F09.h File F09.h defines class f that contains prototypes for analytical functions af01, af02 and af03, and empirical functions ef01, ef02 and ef03. F09.cpp File F09.cpp contains implementations for the functions whose prototypes are defined in file F09.h. File F09.cpp can contain functions to support computations performed by the analytical and empirical functions contained in the file. p09make File p09make contains instructions for program p09. Instructions are written for the UNIX utility make. Program p09 is contained in file p09. Command Line: Project 9 can be invoked with zero, one, two, three, or four program parameters. The first three program parameters are the input file names. The fourth parameter is the output file name. Sample command lines together with corresponding actions by program p09 are shown below. Boldfaced type indicates data entered at the keyboard by the user. $ p09 Enter the first input file name: i091.dat Enter the second input file name: i092.dat Enter the third input file name: i093.dat Enter the output file name: o09.dat $ p09 i091.dat Enter the second input file name: i092.dat Enter the third input file name: i093.dat Enter the output file name: o09.dat $ p09 i091.dat i092.dat Enter the third input file name: i093.dat Enter the output file name: o09.dat $ p09 i091.dat i092.dat i093.dat Enter the output file name: o09.dat $ p09 i091.dat i092.dat i093.dat o09.dat Input files: Files i091.dat, i092.dat, and i093.dat contain values of n for code fragments (1), (2), and (3) respectively. Program p09 reads an input file and produces output for that file. Program p09 reads input files in succession and produces output for each input file as the file is read. Output files: Send your output to both the output file and the display (stdout). Put your output in three columns. Label the first column n, the second column Analytical and the third column Empirical. Produce values of T(n) for each code fragment. One line is printed for each value of n read. Write the value of n in the column labeled n. Write the value of T(n) computed by the designated analytical function, af0x, in the column labeled Analytical. Write the value of T(n) computed by the selected empirical function, ef0x, in the column titled Empirical. Produce one table for each code fragment. Identify the tables by the code fragment analyzed. Figure 5 contains the output for example code fragment 0 shown in Figure 4. Figure 1. Code fragment 1. int sum=1; for (int a=0;a<n;a++) sum=sum*4; while (sum0) sum–; Figure 2. Code fragment 2. for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { int m=n; while (m1) m=m/4; } Figure 3. Code fragment 3. int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=0;j<i*i;j++) for (int k=0;k<j;k++) sum++; Figure 4. Example Code Fragment 0 int sum=0; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) sum++; Figure 5. Example Output for Code Fragment 0 n Analytical Empirical 1 3 3 10 33 33 20 63 63 30 93 93 40 123 123 50 153 153 60 183 183 70 213 213 80 243 243 90 273 273 Figure 6. Analytical Timing Function af00. int af01(int n) { return 3*n+3; } 3 Programming II Time Complexity CMSC 2613 Project p09 Figure 7. Empirical Code Function ef00. int ef01(int n) { int t=0, i, sum; sum=0; t++; i=0; t++; while (i<n) { t++; sum++; t++; i++; t++; } t++; return t; } Figure 8. Analysis of Code Fragment 0 Line Code Cost Reduced Form 1 sum=0; 1 1 2 i=0; 1 1 3 while (i<n) { ?1 ????-1 ????=0 n 4 sum++; same as line 3 n 5 i++; same as line 3 n 6 } 1 1 T(n)= 3n+3 4


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[Solved] SOLVED:Programming II Time Complexity
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