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SKU: [Solved] SOLVED:PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT #4 solution Category: Tag:

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Write a C program that allows the user to make some simple bankingtransactions.The program should first prompt the user to enter the current balance of his/herbank account (in dollars and cents, not less than zero). The program should thenprompt the user to enter the number of withdrawals to make, and then thenumber of deposits to make.For this assignment, let’s set a maximum of 5 deposits and 5 withdrawals,you’ll see why as you read on.Using a loop, the program should then prompt the user to enter the amount ofthe first deposit (a positive amount to add to the bank account balance), theamount of the second deposit, the third, etc., until the number of deposits havebeen processed.Using a second loop, the program should then prompt the user to enter theamount of the first withdrawal (a positive amount to subtract from the bankaccount balance, if possible), the amount of the second withdrawal, the third,etc. until the number of withdrawals have been processed.Once all deposits and withdrawals have been made, the program should outputthe ending balance.The dialog with the user should look like the following:Welcome to the Computer Banking SystemEnter your current balance in dollars and cents: 256.40Enter the number of deposits (0 – 5): 3Enter the number of withdrawals (0 – 5): 2Enter the amount of deposit #1: 10.50Enter the amount of deposit #2: 12.25Enter the amount of deposit #3: 125.30Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 120.35Enter the amount of withdrawal #2: 35.60*** The closing balance is $248.50 ***The program should also output one of the following messages based on theclosing balance. That is: If the closing balance is greater than or equal to 50000.00, output:“*** It is time to invest some money! ***” If the closing balance is between 15000.00 and 49999.99, output:“*** Maybe you should consider a CD. ***” If the closing balance is between 1000.00 and 14999.99, output:“*** Keep up the good work! ***” If the closing balance is between 0.00 and 999.99, output:“*** Your balance is getting low! ***”So, in the above example, the last line of sample output would be:*** Your balance is getting low! ***Regarding error checking on all user input, the following 5 error checks (on userinput) should be included in your program:1. Ensure that the starting (current) balance is a positive number. If not, thefollowing error message should be displayed:*** Beginning balance must be at least zero, please re-enter.2. Ensure that the number of deposits is between 0 and 5. If not, the followingerror message should be displayed:*** Invalid number of deposits, please re-enter.3. Ensure that the number of withdrawals is between 0 and 5. If not, the followingerror message should be displayed:*** Invalid number of withdrawals, please re-enter.4. Ensure that the deposit amount is equal to or greater than zero. If not, thefollowing error message should be displayed:*** Deposit amount must be greater than zero, please re-enter.5. Ensure that the withdrawal amount does not exceed the current balance(including the new deposits). If so, the following error message should bedisplayed:*** Withdrawal amount exceeds current balance.So, for example, a sample run of the program with error checking might looklike:Enter current balance in dollars and cents: -56.40*** Beginning balance must be at least zero, please re-enter.Enter current balance in dollars and cents: 256.40Enter the number of deposits (0 – 5): -3*** Invalid number of deposits, please re-enter.Enter the number of deposits: 3Enter the number of withdrawals (0 – 5): 2Enter the amount of deposit #1: 10.50Enter the amount of deposit #2: -12.25*** Deposit amount must be greater than zero, please re-enter.Enter the amount of deposit #2: 12.25Enter the amount of deposit #3: 125.30Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 5000.00*** Withdrawal amount exceeds current balance, please re-enter.Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 120.35Enter the amount of withdrawal #2: 35.60*** The closing balance is $248.50 ****** Your balance is getting low! ***Now, the reason we restrict the maximum number of deposits and withdrawals to5 has to do with the array sizes. You want to be sure that the user does not wantto enter more information than you can store in your arrays. In my exampleabove, I made the array sizes “5”. That means that I can store up to 5 depositsand 5 withdrawals. So, I want to test that the user does not plan to enter morethan that.So, for example, if the user enters 10 as the number of deposits, the followingshould be displayed;Enter the number of deposits (0 – 5): 10*** Invalid number of deposits, please re-enter.Lastly, you are to keep track of all of the deposits and all of the withdrawals sothat you can print them out in “record” form. You do this by storing them inarrays. You will have one array to hold the deposit amounts entered by the user,and another array to hold the withdrawal amounts. You want to be sure that thesize of the arrays are large enough to handle 5 deposits and 5 withdrawals.Perhaps:float deposits[5], withdrawals[5];Based on the above program run, the Bank Record should look like:*** Bank Record ***Starting Balance: $ 256.40Deposit #1: 10.50Deposit #2: 12.25Deposit #3: 125.30Withdrawal #1: 120.35Withdrawal #2: 35.60Ending Balance: $ 248.50Try to align the decimal points as closely as possible in your output.Note: There are some bothersome complications with the entry and storage ofsome float numbers. Because of the way data is stored the float number 22.39may be stored as 22.389999 and this may cause a problem with your final ifstatements and even with balance equaling zero. In other words, it is nearlyimpossible to test for equality with variables of type float. This is a well knownanomaly in C. You may not encounter these problems, I just wanted to warnyou of the potential problem.Read all the specifications carefully. A good detailed design before you start tocode, will go a long way here.Good luck!


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