[Solved] SOLVED:Program 3

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Modify the set of classes (Carwash, Averager, ClientGenerator, and Server) that constitute the simulation program discussed in class so that it creates a richer simulation environment. You may stick with the original carwash scenario or create a scenario of your own choosing. Required elements include: 1. Modify the main( ) and simulate( ) methods so that your program can simulate multiple servers. In simulate( ), create a queue of servers sized to accommodate the specified number of servers and fill the queue with servers When a client appears, the front of the server queue should be checked (using the peek( ) method). If the server at the front is not busy, dequeue it, start it serving the client at the front of the client queue, then enqueue it on the back of the server queue. Each iteration of the loop will now mean that each server on the server queue will have to process one second. 2. Modify the Averager so that counts and reports the number of customers who leave because the line is too long. 3. Add code that records the price of a wash, then determine and reports how much gross profit was made (from the number of cars washed) and lost (from the number that left). 4. Modify the Server class so that there is a cost associated with each Server – for a human Server, this might be an hourly wage, while for a machine this could be hourly (or daily, etc.) cost of operation. Subtract the gross cost from the gross profit for your simulation to show the net profit or loss at the end of the simulation. 5. Add the ability for a Server to take breaks / go out of service for a set period of time. This will involve modifications to both the Server class and the simulate method. Extra credit options (5 points each) • Modify the program so that each Server has its own initial value for secondsForService rather than using the same value for every server; then change the Server queue into a priority queue based on placing the best Servers at the front of the queue when not busy. • Add a disaster generator (similar to the ClientGenerator) that randomly smites the car wash with a temporary shutdown. If a disaster strikes, the customer queue will have to be emptied and all of the customers issued refunds; be sure to factor this into the day’s profit or loss. • Add code that changes the probability of client arrival based on time of day (can be determined from time stamp


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[Solved] SOLVED:Program 3
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