[Solved] SOLVED:CSCI 320, Homework 7

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1. Write C code that satisfies all of the following. Be sure to include lots of comments so that we can follow your logic. Make sure that your file includes your name!2. Implement airport flight information data structure that contains the following data for theplanes leaving on a given day:• Flight number• Originating airport (three characters)• Destination airport (three characters)• Departure time (four characters)If this definition must be visible to the main method and other methods, place it before the startof the main method – this makes it globally accessible.3. Allocate at least five flight information structures on the heap and store appropriate data inthem. The following statement allocates enough space for a single record and returns apointer to it in the variable new_ptr, which must be declared to be a pointer to the structuretype described above./* Allocate space on heap for one structure, assign pointer to new_ptr */struct flight_info * new_ptr = (struct flight_info *)malloc(sizeof(structflight_info));/* Put data in structure */new_ptr-flightNumber = 125;(void)strcpy((* new_ptr).origAirport, “CHS”); /* copy a string */(void)strcpy (new_ptr-destAirport, “CLT”);(void)strcpy (new_ptr- departureTime, “1000”);In addition to <stdio.h, include 4. Build two linked lists of pointers to flight information structures.• The first list references the structures in ascending order according to flight number.• The second list references the structures in ascending order according to flight time.Notes on #4:• There is only one structure containing information for a specific flight. But, both listshave nodes that reference that information. The list nodes don’t store structure, butpointers to structures.• When new flight information structure is created, both lists are traversed and thelinks are placed appropriately. Write one or more insert method(s), to addpointers to the new data to the lists.• To simplify your “insert” method, you may design your linked lists to include a dummyfirst node, so that you are never inserting into an empty list.25. Include code to display the contents (flight information referenced) from your lists.6. Copy your code into a text file and submit that text file. The program should be completelyself‐contained and not require external input.Collaboration policy in effect for this assignment:• You may only submit solutions generated by your own work.• You may discuss C with classmates and instructors.• You may discuss these problems with classmates and instructors. If it helps you to learnfrom others how to solve the problem, that is fine. The objective is that you CAN and DOsolve the problem.• You MAY NOT copy the work of others. You MAY NOT give your work to others.• You may not look for solutions on the internet, you should craft your own.3If structures are allocated, through “malloc” they are stored on the heap, and pointers tothem are stored outside of the heap (on the run‐time stack if the pointers are declared withinthe main or any other method. (I’ll just draw the stuff not on the hope outside of the bubble.)struct flight_info *new_ptr =(struct flight_info *)malloc(sizeof(structflight_info));/* statements to store data in the structure */struct flight_info *other_ptr =(struct flight_info *)malloc(sizeof(structflight_info));/* statements to store data in the structure *//* An array of pointers to flight info */struct flight_info *array[2];array[0] = new_ptr; array[1] = other_ptr;/* A linked list of pointers to structures – since you may need any number ofnodes in the linked list – those nodes should be allocated on the heap. If youneeded a fixed number, you might allocate them on the stack.*/FlightinfoFlightinfoThe heapnew_ptr other_ptrarray4/* Nodes in the linked list will look like. */struct node { /* a node in the linked list */struct flight_info *data;struct node *next;}/* generate a node */struct node *node_ptr =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));/* add data */node_ptr-data = new_ptr;node_ptr-next = NULL;/* Create a list pointer */struct node first = node_ptr; /* initialize */Then, if a second node is added to the end of the list, and that second nodepoints to the other flight info structure, the list looks something like:FlightinfoFlightinfonew_ptrother_ptrarrayThe heapnodefirst5node


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[Solved] SOLVED:CSCI 320, Homework 7
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