[Solved] SOLVED: Threads: The spaceship airlock

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Worksheet StepsThere are several tasks to complete in this worksheet. Work through each task in turn.Task 1: Download the code and load into an Eclipse project or equivalentOn Blackboard, you will find the starting code for this project You need to download the filescontaining the AstronautSimuIator class and the Door interface.Note: you can use Eclipse or a different IDE, or none, ifyou want You will need to modi$,’ thiscode to complete the assignmentTask 2: Look at the existing code and fill in the blanksExamine the Door interface. Then take a look at the AstronautSimuIator class. This is the oneyou need to update. It will not compile because you Will need to create an AirlockDoor class andan Airlock Class. The following steps need to follow are also listed m theAstron autSimuIator cla ss :Step I: Create an AirlockDoor class. Note thatyou will also need to create anappropriate constructor that takes a String and an AirlockStep 2: Create an empty Airlock class. This one can remain for the reasons discussed inthe code comments.Step 3: Create ti•vo thread objects using the Thread class: one for each ofthe two doors. Alsostart the threads. You need to do something to the AirlockDoor class, so that your codecompiles. Just do enough to get it to compile.Step 4: Make a request to open a door (hint: see the interface) and then add an 800 milliseconddelay before trying to open another door. You Will need to add a stubbed out method (emptyand will need implementing in Task 3) to the AirdoorLock class.

Task 3: Implement the Door interface Step I: Make sure that the AirlockDoor class implements the Door interface. The method you are forced to add can simply record the open requestin an instance variable. You will need to decide the type of this instance variable. Add a println statement to the method that says a request has been made to open the door. Step 2: You will also need to implement the constructor. Simply store the parameter values in instance variables. These instance variables will be shared by threads. Refer back to the slides and lecture examples to see what implication this has on the way you should declare these instance variables. Task 4: Implementing the run method This is where most of the work is required. You will need an infinite loop. You will need to check whether a door open requesthas been made. Create a critical section of code that: displays a message saying that the door is about to open; waits for 5 seconds; displays a message that the door has closed. It is important that you can “prove” with println or format statements that the two doors do not open at the same time. Have a further I second delay before checking for the another door open request. Run the simulator to show the program working correctly. Task 5: Add packages and run from command line Change all the classes to use suitable package statements. Make sure you use reverse-domain notation as discussed in lectures In Week 10. Demonstrate thatyou can run your program from the command line. Make sure the AstronautSimuIator class is in a separate package to the other classes. Task 6: Glory For a further challenge, change the AstronautSimuIator class to be a Thread class and remcwe the infinite while loop and then create several astronauts (threads) trying to gain access to the airlock


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[Solved] SOLVED: Threads: The spaceship airlock
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