[Solved] SOLVED: Lab Assignment 2

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Goals:1. Understanding of heaps and interfacing with a dictionary.2. Understanding of the five steps for developing a dynamic programming solution.Requirements:1. Use C to implement algorithms for (a) approximate order-preserving Huffman coding – each phasemerging two adjacent subtrees whose weights give the smallest sum, and (b) exact order-preservingHuffman coding – using a dynamic programming formulation as described in Notes 07.C.The input is 1) a positive integer n and 2) a sequence of n positive integers giving the frequencycounts (weights) for symbols in an ordered character set.For both types of subtrees, your program should output the bit code assigned to each symbol and theweighted sum€lengthi • countiiΣ#$%%&‘(( based on the generated code tree and the frequency counts.2. Submit your program on Blackboard by 10:45 a.m. on October 23, 2014. One of the comment linesshould include the compilation command used on OMEGA.Getting Started:1. Suppose the input frequency counts are: 6 4 5 7. The following tree is for the listed conventionalHuffman code.4 5 6 71322001 0119b c a d6 104 005 017 11The weighted sum is 6•2 + 4•2 + 5•2 + 7•2 = 44Now suppose the ordered character set is {a, b, c, d} with the indicated frequency counts. If the strings“abc” and “bad” are compressed to “100001” and “001011”, respectively, they do not compare thesame way as their uncompressed counterparts. Order preservation is guaranteed only when the leaf orderis consistent with the order of the character set.2. For the same input sequence, the following tree is for the approximate order-preserving Huffmancode. At each step in its construction, we greedily merge the two adjacent trees whose weights havethe smallest sum.4 590 1601517220 1ab cd6 004 0105 0117 1The weighted sum is 6•2 + 4•3 + 5•3 + 7•1 = 46.Now, the strings “abc” and “bad” will be compressed to “00010011” and “010001”, respectively, butthe sum has not been minimized.3. For the same input sequence, the following tree is for the exact order-preserving Huffman code. Itwas constructed using dynamic programming to determine optimal order-preserving subtrees.6 4 5 71222001 01110a b c d6 004 015 107 11The weighted sum is 6•2 + 4•2 + 5•2 + 7•2 = 44.4. It is not difficult to see that the weighted sums for the three different approaches have the followingrelationship: conventional ≤ exact ≤ approximate.5. Your approximate solution must use a heap to achieve€Θ(n logn) time. Submissions taking€Θ# n2$% &‘(time will be severely penalized.6. Input is to be read from standard input. Do not prompt for a file name.7. Heap-based code (http://ranger.uta.edu/~weems/NOTES2320/huffman.freq.c) for conventional Huffmancoding with frequencies is available on the course webpage. It may be modified significantly toachieve part (a). You will want each heap entry to correspond to two adjacent subtrees that could bemerged. After a PQdelmin() determines the merge to apply, you will need PQdelete() todiscard unneeded candidate(s) (due to the merge) and a PQinsert() to include new candidate(s)(also resulting from the merge). Handles facilitate this.


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[Solved] SOLVED: Lab Assignment 2
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