[Solved] SOLVED: CMSC 427 Problem Set 2

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1 InstructioinMy OpenGL Version is 3.30. Update your driver to make sure your OpenGL is newer, otherwise you may not be able to use the start code. You can check your OpenGL version with GLviewer http://www.realtech-vr.com/glview/ The suggested environment is Windows, VS2013, QT 5.4.0 with QT creator. Please download the speci_c version of QT here http://www.qt.io/download- open-source/#. The online installation of QT may cause issues. You can wrap the whole QT project and send it to me. Please clear your built before send it to me to avoid the email blocking. If you are not using the suggested environment, please include a readme _le to explain how to con_gure your project. The start code in Windows and Mac OSX with QtCreator.Feel free to contact me if you can not successfully run the start code. I can read C/C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, Java. Try not to use languages beyond the scope. Otherwise you may spend a lot of time explaining your code to me. For hardcopy handin: You only need to print out the core parts of the code. If you print out every- thing, I may need you to explicitly indicate the core parts. Write some comments or a few sentences to explain what you have done. OpenGL tutorial: [1] http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/ : a simple tutorial, the basic part may be enough for you to complete the course project [2] http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/index.html : more detailed, the _rst eight chapters may be enough 2 Programming Exercise: Car 101 You will program a simple vehicle that can move around a 3D scene. Think of it as a car that is driving on a plane that also contains some buildings. You will add buildings, and the ability to steer the car and change its speed. Youll also add a special somersault feature. We are including an executable showing my version of the _nished project, please make sure QT is added to system variable to run the demo. Your version need not be identical in every detail. For example, you can vary the speed at which the car moves, how rapidly it steers, or the size 2 Z. Xu, D. Jacobs and position of the buildings. However, keep the interface the same, using the keyboard functions we specify, so that we will be able to easily test the result. We are giving you skeleton code that will display a textured cube on the screen. If your QT cannot handle resources correctly, you may need to change RESOURCE FLAG and TXT IMG PATH to render the texture properly. You will enhance this code to add more cubes, to change the type of projection, and to allow yourself to navigate about the scene. You may use features provided by QT to implement your code. You may edit any part of the code and try to keep it neat. 2.1 Add more buildings (15 points) For this part, enrich the scene that you are looking at by adding at least four more buildings on the ground plane. You may take a look at function: loadCubes(), moveCube() and addCube(). 2.2 Color and Shader (25 points) Add di_erent colors for cubes to distinguish them. You need to change the color of each cube to distinguish them. For example, your _rst cube may be green, second cube may be red. You should keep the textures to distinguish the six surfaces of one cube, as shown in Fig. 1. You may take a look at the shader program, and Chapter 2, Chapter 4 in tutorial [2]. Fig. 1. Add di_erent colors for cubes to distinguish them CMSC427 PS2 3 2.3 Manual control (20 points) Add control to the car. Use ‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’ keys on keyboard to control the car to move forward, backward, turn left and turn right. Users should also be able to use mouse to change the moving direction. Pressing on the left mouse button should turn the car to the left. The right mouse button should steer the car to the right. You may take a look at QT class QMatrix4x4, Chapter 6 in tutorial [2] and Chapter 3 in tutorial [1]. 2.4 Automove (20 points) Now you need to implement another control mode: move forward at _xed speed. The car should always move forward, in the direction in which it is looking. Press ‘Space’ on keyboard to change the control mode between automove and manual control. While moving, you can also steer the car, turn left/right, use the left/right button of mouse. You may take a look at QT class QTimer. 2.5 Change speed (10 points) While the car is moving, allow keyboard input that will change the speed of the car. Pressing ‘s’ should slow the car down, while pressing ‘f’ should make it go faster. 2.6 Somersault (10 points) The car also has a special trick. Pressing ‘m’ causes it to do a somersault. During a somersault, the car rotates about a direction perpendicular to the direction it is going in that is also perpendicular to the up direction. The somersault trick should work in both manual control and automove modes. The car continues to move forward while somersaulting in automove mode. 2.7 Challenge Problem (up to 20 points) For extra credit, you can add additional features. Some possible ideas: add ob- jects in other shapes, such as pyramid, prism (up to 15 points); calculating collisions so that you don’t run into the cubes (up to 20 points); on the side or in another window, show the scene from overhead (up to 5 points); add a curved bridge and have the cars position follow the bridge, so that as you go over it you are pointing up and then down (ie, you are not always pointing parallel to the ground plane as you drive, up to 10 points); or add a roller coaster that the car can drive onto (up to 10 points).


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[Solved] SOLVED: CMSC 427 Problem Set 2
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