[Solved] Quantum Homework 4


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  1. For each of the following values of q, generate 5 random members of {1,,q 1} and run the Miller-Rabin test using them. What is the probability that q is prime?

You should run the algorithm by hand, but I suggest using a computer to do the calculations themselves.

  • q = 10601
  • q = 101101
  • q = 15841
  1. (i) Compute 77 in Z4.


  • Compute 7 in Z4.
  • Compute 7777 in Z5 [Hint 1: use the previous part and Fermats little theorem.] [Hint 2: 73.]
  1. Compute 2345 mod 79. I suggest that you do this without using a computer. [Hint: 78 = 2 3 13.]
  2. Let n N and define(i.e. the number of numbers coprime to n between 1 and n).
    • Prove that if gcd(m,n) = 1 then (m n) = (m)(n).
    • Prove that if p is a prime then


  • Use the previous parts to prove that

(the product is over all prime divisors of n).


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[Solved] Quantum Homework 4