[Solved] Programming Assignment 6: Binary Search Trees

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Programming Assignment 6: Binary Search TreesProblem ScenarioThe IT director was at a barbeque over the weekend. He was talking to his brother-in-law who said that a friend who knew a programmer who was learning about trees said they were really cool. Now the IT manager would like or you to convert the data structures to binary search trees.Program RequirementsYou will replace your DonorImpl and DonationImpl classes from Assn 5 (to work with binary search trees, instead of hash tables).NOTE: Make sure your input data file is not ordered in any way, or you will end up with very unbalanced binary search trees.For the DonorImpl implementation you will build your own Binary Search Tree. You cannot use any existing Java Collection classes.For the DonationImpl, you will be implementing the TreeMap from the Java Collection.You will need to create any secondary classes, such as Nodes, for each of the implementations.Use the IDs in each class as the key for each implementation.The inputs will remain the same as for assn 5 – the Donor/Donation input file, and the DonorRequests file. You will also provide the same report as last week.Also a traverseDisplay() method to both DonorImpl and DonationImpl (similar to the traverse in Assn 3, but this time providing an “in order” traversal of the binary search tree). Donor List: OR Donation List: and will traverse the list being implemented, using the toString() method to display each object in the list.Use these methods to display each list, before you process the DonorRequests file.The program must follow the CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.Deliverables Your original input data file (containing Donor and Donation data to build the binary trees from) will still be read from the input folder in your project.Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:assn6input1.txtassn6input2.txt(i.e. number each data file after the filename of assn6input.txt) Your second input data file will also be read from the input folder in your project.Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:donorRequests1.txt

donorRequests2.txt(i.e. number each data file after the filename of donorRequests.txt)As a group, all of your test data files should demonstrate that you have tested every possible execution path within your code, including erroneous data which causes errors or exceptions. Your output report will still be written to a taxReport.txt file in the output folder in your project. Create and/or modify Javadoc headers, and generate Javadoc files Add screen shots of clean compile of your classes to the documentation folder.WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile will not be accepted.Program SubmissionThis programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page. Export your project from NetBeans using the same method as you did for previous weeks.o Name your export file in the following format: CS310<lastname>Assn<x>.zipFor example: CS310SmithAssn6.zip Submit your .zip file to the Prog Assn 6 dropbox (located under the Dropbox tab in the online course).Warning: Only NetBeans export files will be accepted. Do not use any other kind of archive or zip utility.Grading Your program will be graded using the rubric that is linked under Student Resources page.WARNING: Programs submitted more than 5 days past the due date will not be accepted, and will receive a grade of 0.


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[Solved] Programming Assignment 6: Binary Search Trees
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