[Solved] Programming Assignment 5: Hashing with Sets and Maps

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Programming Assignment 5: Hashing with Sets and MapsProblem ScenarioThe charity was very impressed with your work from Assn 3. Nevertheless, the IT director at the charity just received the latest “Java Geek Weekly”, and read all about hashing. Now, the IT director wants to replace the linked lists in your project with hash sets and maps.In addition, the charity would like help donors out with their taxes. Therefore, they would like to print a report, identifying whether specific donations are tax deductible or not.Program RequirementsYou will replace your DonorImpl and DonationImpl classes from Assn 3 (to work with hash tables, instead of linked lists).The DonorImpl will use a Hash Set to store the Donor objects. It will use an open addressing method of resolving collisions (linear probing, quadratic probing, or double hashing – your choice). The array size for this implementation is to be a size of 23 (a prime number).The DonationImpl will use a “multi hashmap” to store Donation objects. It will to allow for multiple keys to be inserted into the hashmap. While the key for the map will be a hashcode, the value will be a reference to a linked list. Each donation that maps to this hashcode will be stored in a linked list. If there are multiple entries for the same hashcode, the collisions will be resolved by using the chaining method. Note you will need to create a MapEntry class to implement the hashmap (see diagram on last page of this requirements document). Use the same size table for this implementation.You will create your own hashing algorithms for this assignment.First you will create a hashcode by adding the ASCII/Unicode values of each digit in ID (use the donor ID for the DonorImpl and the donation ID for the DonationImpl). Then use the modulus operator, so that your IDs will map correctly to the array indexes. For example, if the ID is 804, then the hashcode will be 56 + 48 + 52 = 156 mod 23 = 18.The input will remain the same as the past assignments. However, you will not need to create the same reports as you have in the past assignments. Remove any code that created the previous report.The charity will provide a simple flat file of donor IDs and donation IDs, for all donors who requested a tax report. Each line will contain a donor ID, and a list of donation IDs that the donor would like to check the tax deductible status on. For example:3 302 3031 105 102 1072 204The file, called donorRequests.txt, will be located in the input folder.You will need to find the donor ID in your DonorImpland you will need to find each donation ID in your DonationImpland for each, determine if the donation is tax deductible

Modify the PrintImpl to generate a new report to be written to an output file named “assn5report.txt”, which will be located in the output folder of the project.Your report output will look like this:Donor 3, Thomas JeffersonDonation 302 for $22.22 is tax deductibleDonation 303 for $111.00 is NOT tax deductibleDonor 1, George WashingtonDonation 105 for $123.45 is NOT tax deductibleDonation 102 for $200.00 is tax deductibleDonation 107 for $123.45 is NOT tax deductibleDonor 2, Marie AntionetteDonation 304 for $1000.00 is tax deductibleThe program must follow the CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.Deliverables Create Javadoc headers, and generate Javadoc files for each of your new implementation classes and for all new static methods in the main class. You are responsible for completing the comment headers created. Your original input data file (containing Donor and Donation data to build the hash tables from) will still be read from the input folder in your project.Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:assn5input1.txtassn5input2.txt(i.e. number each data file after the filename of assn5input.txt) Your new input data file will also be read from the input folder in your project.Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:donorRequests1.txtdonorRequests2.txt(i.e. number each data file after the filename of donorRequests.txt)As a group, all of your test data files should demonstrate that you have tested every possible execution path within your code, including erroneous data which causes errors or exceptions. Your output report will be written to a taxReport.txt file in the output folder in your project. Add screen shots of clean compile of your classes to the documentation folder.o Remember, if you have compile errors, a red error symbol is placed on the file and folder name tabs. Be sure to clear all compile errors before capturing the screen shot.WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile will not be accepted.

Program SubmissionThis programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page. Export your project from NetBeans using the same method as you did for previous assns.o Name your export file in the following format: CS310<lastname>Assn<x>.zipFor example: CS310SmithAssn5.zip Submit your .zip file to the Prog Assn 5 dropbox.Warning: Only NetBeans export files will be accepted. Do not use any other kind of archive or zip utility.Grading This program will be graded using the rubric that is linked under Student Resources page.WARNING: Programs submitted more than 5 days past the due date will not be accepted, and will receive a grade of 0.

HashMap DiagramsdonationNEXTDonationNode


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[Solved] Programming Assignment 5: Hashing with Sets and Maps
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