[Solved] Programming Assignment 2: ArrayLists

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Programming Assignment 2: ArrayListsProblem ScenarioThe charity was very impressed with your work from last week. The IT director now needs you to be able to store the data about Donors and Donations in ArrayLists.Program RequirementsLast week, you created your Donor and Donation classes. This week you will be implementing ArrayLists containing objects from those classes.Two ArrayLists will be implemented:An ArrayList, ordered by donor ids, containing Donor objects.An ArrayList, unordered, containing Donation objects.The program must follow the CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.Input Data FileThis csv file input file for this program will be called “assn2input.txt”, and will be modified slightly from last week. The file still will contain lines of data about Donors and Donations. But an action field will be added to each line, as the second field, to indicate whether to add or remove the specified donor/donation.If the action is “ADD”, then the remaining data fields will be the same as in assignment 1. But if the action is “DEL”, the data line will contain only a donor id, and for donations, a donation id.The format will be (any of the following data lines, in any order):DONOR,ADD,donorId,firstName,lastName,emailAddress,phoneNumberDONOR,DEL,donorIdDONATION,ADD,donationId,donorId,description,amount,date,taxDeductible(Y/N), checkNumberDONATION,DEL,donationId,donorIdNote that a DONOR, ADD line must appear before any lines to add Donations for that Donor, because a Donation can only be added for existing Donors. See the sample input file provided in Appendix A below, to see how the data lines will look. You will need to create your own test input data files to test your program.Implementation ClassesThe actual implementation of the Donor and Donation classes will not occur in the CS310<lastname>.java file. You will add separate implementation classes to perform this work.Your main class file will not know what data structure was used. In fact, this main class file will be used with future assignments, and will process the same (or a similar) input file format. And the implementation classes will be modified each week, to reflect whichever data structure is being used that week.This week you will create the following classes for implementation of the ArrayLists: DonorLogImpl and DonationLogImpl.©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright lawNote that appending “Impl” to the end of a class name is a standard for naming implementation classes. We have also added “Log” for now, to aid in your understanding of what is being implemented.The DonorLogImpl class will be used to create and manage an ArrayList that holds a list of Donor objects.The class will have one private attribute, an ArrayList of Donor objects.The class will minimally contain the following methods:public ArrayList<Donor> getDonorList // return the ArrayList attributepublic void add(Object obj) // add donor to ordered listpublic boolean remove (int donorId) // remove donor with donorId from list// and return true if successfulpublic boolean isIdUnique(int Id) // test if donor with Id exists in listSince the ArrayList of Donors is an ordered list, when adding an object to the list, you will need to search for the correct index to add it to (i.e. the index after the index containing the largest donor id that is smaller than the donor id being inserted).The DonationLogImpl class will be used to create and manage an ArrayList that holds Donation objects. The class will have one private attribute, an ArrayList of Donation objects.The class will minimally contain the following methods:public ArrayList<Donation> getDonationList // return the ArrayList attributepublic boolean add(Object obj) // add donation to list// and return true if successful// remove donations with donorId from list and return true if any donations deletedpublic boolean remove(int donorId)// overloaded – remove donation with both donorId and donationId from listpublic boolean remove(int donorId, int donationId)public boolean isIdUnique(int donationId) // test if donation with id exists in listpublic int numberOfDonations() // return count of all donations public int numberOfDonations(int donorId) // overloaded –// return count of donations with donorIdpublic float totalDonationAmount() // return sum of all donationspublic float totalDonationAmount(int donorId) // overloaded –// return sum of donations with donorIdSince the ArrayList of Donations is an unordered list, when adding an object to the list, you can just add to the end of the list.The program will also have a PrintImpl class, which will generate a report (more below). You can also add any other additional methods your think you need to your implementations.The main classWhen you created your project last week, NetBeans created the initial source file which contained the main method (CS310<lastname>.java). We will refer to this as the “main class”.All implementations will be instantiated as objects in the main class. For example:public static DonorLogImpl donorLogImpl = new DonorLogImpl();In this example, the donorLogImpl object has a single attribute, which is the ArrayList of donors.©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright lawIn addition to the implementation instantiations, the main class will contain the following static methods: Method to read the data file and process each data lineo Try to open the input data file and throw/handle an exception if the file cannot be opened.o If the file opens, for each line in the data file: Read the data line. Use split() to parse the line to extract the individual data fields into an array. Depending on the String values in the array at: index 0 (DONOR or DONATION) index 1 (ADD or DEL)Call a method to do the addition/deletion, passing in the parsed String array as a parameter. Method to process a Donor addition to the listo Create a new Donor object using the String array parameter values.o Validate the email address (contains “@”) using the method you wrote for Assn 1. If not valid, display an error message that includes the donor id and email address.(Donors with invalid email addresses will still be added to the Donor ArrayList)o Check to see if the donor id is unique using the Donor isIdUnique() method.o If the donor id is unique, Call Donor add to add the Donor object to the Donor ArrayList data structure.Otherwise, Donors with non-unique donor ids will not be added to the Donor ArrayList. So display an error message stating the Donor will not be added to the list. Include the use of the toString() method to display the object data. Method to process a Donation addition to the listo Create a new Donation object using the String array parameter values.o Insure the check number is valid using the method you wrote for Assn 1. If not valid, display an error message that includes the donation id and check number.(Donations with invalid check numbers will still be added to the Donation ArrayList)o Check if the donor id is unique (i.e. when NOT unique, the donor is in the Donor list) using the Donor isIdUnique() method.o Check if the donation id is unique using the Donation isIdUnique() method.o If the donor id is not unique and donation id is unique, Call Donation add to add the Donation object to the Donation ArrayList data structure.Otherwise, Donations with unique donor ids or non-unique donation ids will not be added to the Donation ArrayList. So display an error message stating the Donor will not be added to the list. Include the use of the toString() method to display the object data. Method to process a Donor deletiono Check if the donor id is NOT unique (i.e. the donor is in the Donor list) using the Donor isIdUnique() method.o If the donor id is in the list: Call Donor remove to find the Donor object with the correct donor id and remove that Donor object from the Donor ArrayList data structure. Call Donation remove to delete all donations with the donor id that has been deleted. Display a message confirming which donor id and its donations were deleted.o Otherwise issue an error message that the donor id was not found.©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright law Method to process a Donation deletiono Check if the donation id is NOT unique (i.e. the donation is in the Donation list) using the Donation isIdUnique() method.o If the donation id is in the list: Call Donation remove to:o Find the Donation object with the correct donation ido Remove that Donation object from the Donation ArrayList data structure. Display a message confirming which donation id was deleted.o Otherwise issue an error message that the donation id was not found. Method to create a reportThe main class will also (obviously) still contain a main method. This method will:Call the method to read and process the data file.Call the method to create the report.(NOTE: Be sure to delete all the testing code from Assn 1 from the main method).Output ReportAfter all input has been read and processed, the charity would like you to create a report. You will use a print implementation class, PrintImpl, to do this. The PrintImpl class will contain a single method that will create the report.The report will be written to an output file named “assn2report.txt”, which will be located in the output folder of the project. Your program should create a constant to hold this filename,as follows:final String OUTPUT_FILENAME = “output/assn2report.txt”;To create the report:For each donor in the Donor ArrayList, the code will examine each donation in the Donation ArrayList and find donor ids that match the donor id of the Donor object. HINT: Use nested loops.So for each donor, the report will include the following:DonorId DonorLastname, DonorFirstname GOLDSTAR*DonationsDonationId DonationDate Description Amount CheckNumber Tax Deductible*Number of donations for donor: totalNumTotal amount of donations for donor: $ totalValue(*display if true)A GoldStar donor is one who has donated more than $10,000.00 in cash and property donations.At the end of the report, the program will also display the total number of donations for all donors, and the total value of donations for all donors.See the sample output in the Appendix A below, to see how the formatting will look.©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright lawDeliverables Create Javadoc headers, and generate Javadoc files for each of your new implementation classes and for all new static methods in the main class. You are responsible for completing the comment headers created. Your input data file will still be read from the input folder in your project.Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:assn2input1.txtassn2input2.txt(i.e. number each data file after the filename of assn2input.txt)Together, all of your test data files should demonstrate that you have tested every possible execution path within your code, including erroneous data which causes errors or exceptions. You will need to add another folder to your project for this assignment, called “output”. The report your program creates will be written to the output folder. Add screen shots of clean compile of your classes to the documentation folder.o Remember, if you have compile errors, a red error symbol is placed on the file and folder name tabs. Be sure to clear all compile errors before capturing the screen shot.WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile will not be accepted.Program SubmissionThis programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page of the Content. Export your project from NetBeans (same as Assn 1):o Highlight the project name.o Click on File from the top menu, and select Export Project.o Select To ZIPo Name your export file in the following format: CS310<lastname>Assn<x>.zipFor example:CS310SmithAssn2.zipNOTE: Save this zip file to some other directory, not your project directory. Submit your .zip file to the Prog Assn 2 dropbox (located under Dropbox tab in online course).Warning: Only NetBeans export files will be accepted. Do not use any other kind of archive or zip utility.Grading This program will be graded using the rubric that is linked under Student Resources page.WARNING: Programs submitted more than 5 days past the due date will not be accepted, and will receive a grade of 0.©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright lawAppendix – Sample Input and OutputSample Input FileDONOR,ADD,1,George,Washington,[email protected],202-123-4567DONATION,ADD,101,1,Payroll deduction,22.22,07/04/1776,Y,1001DONATION,ADD,102,1,Event contribution,200.00,07/05/1776,Y,99DONATION,ADD,103,1,Contribution,100.00,08/10/1776,N,1002DONOR,ADD,1,John,Smith,[email protected],111-111-1111DONOR,ADD,3,Thomas,Jefferson,tjeff#monticello.com,303-333-3333DONATION,ADD,301,3,Signing donation,10000.00,07/04/1776,Y,2222DONATION,ADD,302,3,Payroll deduction,22.22,09/01/1810,Y,2223DONATION,ADD,303,3,Anniversary contribution,111.00,07/04/1777,N,2244DONATION,DEL,302,3Sample Display OutputReading data from file input/assn2Input.txtERROR: For donation 102, check number 99 is not valid.ERROR: Donor ID 1 is not unique.Donor{donorId=1, firstName=John, lastName=Smith, phoneNumber=111-111-1111, [email protected]}will NOT be added to list.ERROR: For donor 3, email tjeff#monticello.com is not valid.Donation ID 302 has been removed from the donation listDone reading file. 10 lines readCreating report…done!Sample Report Output1 Washington, GeorgeDonations101 07/04/1776 Payroll deduction 22.22 1001 Tax deductible102 07/05/1776 Event contribution 200.00 99 Tax deductible103 08/10/1776 Contribution 100.00 1002Number of donations for donor: 3Total amount of donations for donor: $ 322.223 Jefferson, Thomas GOLDSTAR donorDonations301 07/04/1776 Signing donation 10000.00 2222 Tax deductible303 07/04/1777 Anniversary contribution 111.00 2244Number of donations for donor: 2Total amount of donations for donor: $ 10111.00Total Number of Donations (all donors) = 5Total Value of Donations (all donors) = $ 10433.22©2016, Regis University, All Rights ReservedUnauthorized distribution (including uploading to any non-Regis Internet website) violates copyright lawAppendix B – Partial Sample Code outlineSample main classpublic class CS310Lastname {static DonorLogImpl donorLogImpl = new DonorLogImpl ();static DonationLogImpl donationLogImpl = new DonationLogImpl ();static PrintImpl printImpl = new PrintImpl();public static void main(String[] args) {processFile();createReport();}public static void processDonorAddition (String [] inputLineValues) {:}public static void processDonationAddition (String []inputLineValues) {:}public static void processDonorDeletion(String [] inputLineValues) {:}public static void processDonationDeletion(String [] inputLineValues) {:}private static void processFile() {// Try to open file and throw exception if file not found// Loop:// Read and parse data line// Call processDonorAddition, processDonationAddition, processDonorDeletion, or processDonationDeletion}public static void createReport() {:}// Any other static methods that you would like to define:}


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[Solved] Programming Assignment 2: ArrayLists
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