- Consider the one-form = (1+2x1+x2)dx1 + x1dx2. Is it exact ? If yes, compute (x1, x2) such that =d(x1, x2).
- Consider the one-form = x1dx2 + x2dx3 + x3dx4 . Is it integrable ? Compute d d .
Do there exist two functions 1and 2 such that span{d1,d2} ? If yes, compute 1and 2 .
- The nonholonomic integrator
Check the accessibility of the following nonholonomic integrator:
x&1 =u1 x&2 =u2
x&3 =x1u 2 x2u1
Is it fully (means input-state) linearizable by static state feedback ?
Is it fully linearizable by dynamic state feedback ? Hint: try to find 2 output functions with relative degree 1 and such that the decoupling matrix has rank 1 only !
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