The objective of this lab is to get you some experience in using stacks, queues, class packages and UML.
The programming assignment:
In this lab, you are to write an infix evaluator. Given an input string of characters like
12+34*(56-7)-18/9, first print the postfix equivalent 12 34 56 7 * + 18 9 / – and then print the value of the expression.
Notes: In this lab,
- You must use the algorithms given in class to convert infix expressions to postfix expressions and to evaluate postfix expressions.
- You must use the instructors stack and queue package.
- You must use the instructors frame work depicted by the following class diagrams.
- Copy directory lab05 from ~wang/sample20.
- Complete methods infixToPostfix and evaluatePostfix.
Some programming Hints:
- To create a stack:
Stack theStack = new Stack();
- To push # into the stack:
theStack.push(new Operator(#));
- To create a Tokenizer from a string s:
Tokenizer T = new Tokenizer(s);
- Repeat until no more tokens:
While (T.moreTokens()) { ..}
- To get the next token:
Token Tkn = T.nextToken();
- To pop a token into a variable of the type Token:
Token Current = (Token) theStack.pop();
- To cast a Token into an Operator:
Opr = (Operator)Tkn;
- To check if a Token variable Tkn contains an Operand:
if (Tkn instanceof Operand)
- To check if an operator is a (:
if (Opr.operator==()
- To perform an operation:
switch(Opr.operator) { case +: result = opnd1 + opnd2; break;
- To check the operator on the top of the stack:
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