In this assignment, you will apply Machine Learning skills. You are asked to design and develop one of its popular classification algorithm called kNN (k-Nearest Neighbors) to programmatically predict handwritten digits in its digitized format. kNN is supervised based algorithm by majority vote of its neighbors. It is supervised in a sense that a sufficient large sample dataset of known target values is carefully selected. This sample dataset will be split into 2 groups. One group will be used to formula a kNN model to be used for prediction. Its called Training. The other group is used to verify the accuracy of the established model, called Testing. The Training-Testing cycle might result in several iterations of tuning and adjustment until a satisfactory model is achieved with high accuracy of positive predictions, higher better. Once such a model has been implemented, its ready to make prediction. To make a prediction, simply feed an unknown value of same format to the program and then perform the required computation in accordance to the established kNN model.
Note: refer to the sample output for references.
- Construct a kNN models based on 2 files called digit-training.txt & digit-testing.txt for training & testing respectively (cross-validation is not required), files are text based.
- Refer to the lab materials for more information on kNN implementation, file format and ideas.
- Use ONLY vector-based function developed from previous lab class to determine nearest neighbors
- Download the latest version of vector.py from moodle
- Implement majority vote algorithms to do the best guess prediction; you need to experiment with different values of k (3,5,7 or 9) and apply your majority rule to make the prediction. By comparing the results (accuracy) of each outcome, pick the one with the highest accuracy rate.
- IN THE DESIGN DOC: explain (a) how the closest neighbors are chosen and (b) the rule(s) used in making the prediction
- Based on your FINAL kNN model implemented (value of k and rule(s)):
- show training and testing info (see Output sections)
- show prediction outcome using file digit-predict.txt (see Output sections).
- Files to download from moodle:
- digit-training.txt, digit-testing.txt, digit-predict.txt & vector.py
In this assignment, you will be trained on the use of the followings:
- Machine Learning life cycle dataset, data mining, kNN construction, training & testing
- Python objects & modules (file IO, string, string formatting, sorting, dictionary, list, list comprehensions)
- Controls if, while, for to control program flow
- Variable Scope
- Functions to breakdown the logic
- Design documentation (A3_School_StudentID_Design.doc/pdf)
- Program source code (A3_School_StudentID_Source.py)
- Output (A3_School_StudentID_Output.doc/pdf)
Zip all files above in a single file (A3_School_StudentID.zip) and submit the zip file by due date to the corresponding assignment folder under Assignment (submission)
For instances, a SME student with student ID 119010001:
o A3_SME_119010001_Design.doc/pdf o A3_SME_119010001_Source.py o A3_SME_119010001_Output.doc/pdf
5% will be deducted if any files are incorrectly named!!!
- Training Info (see sample output)
- Testing Info (see sample output)
- Prediction Outcome (see sample output)
For the design document provide write-up for the following information:
- Design:
- Describe the general structure of the program (functions, variables and program flow).
- Describe kNN model you implemented:
- your choice of k value
- how the closest neighbors are determined
- the rule(s) used in making the prediction
- Propose one strategy in reducing the kNN computation time (finding the neighbors) specific to this assignment; random is already suggested in class.
- Test Plan: (Not Required)
- Use Dictionary to keep list of digit-vectors (during training) and to track accuracy rate (during testing)
- Use Counter() and most_common() from module collections to return the closest neighbors
- Use zip + list comprehension for vector sum, subtract, sum, or, average, sum and so on
- Use String Formatting for training and testing info
- Use reduce() from module functools to combine multiple vectors into a single OR-vector or AND-vector, if needed
Simply output the predicted value, one number per line, such as:
- Coding Styles layout, comments, white spaces, naming convention, variables, indentation.
- Documentation Design + Test Plan
- Program Correctness logic, program structure, functions with appropriate parameters
- User Interaction how informative and accurate information is exchanged between game player and host.
- Readability counts programs that are well structured and easy-to-follow using functions to breakdown complex problems into smaller cleaner generalized functions are preferred over a function embracing a complex logic with nested conditions and sub-functions! In other words, a design with clean architecture with high readability is the predilection for the course objectives over efficiency.
- KISS approach Keep It Simple and Straightforward.
- Balance approach you are not required to come up a very optimized solution. However, take a balance between readability and efficiency with good use of program constructs.
Determine other means of reducing kNN computation time yet keeping accuracy rate relatively high.
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