[Solved] Introduction to Programming Languages CECS130 Lab #5.


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Programming assignment (100 pts): Write a program which generates interactive stories. You program should begin by asking the user a number of questions such as: what is your name? How old are you? What is your favorite color? Etc. After obtaining a sufficient amount of personal information your program should output a short story (at least one paragraph) which incorporates users personal information you have obtained via questioning. (The topic of the story is up to you, but please keeps it clean.) The generated story should be somewhat different every time the program is run (randomly generate alternative endings, randomly select different descriptions of objects (blue car, green car, red car), etc. Your program should make use of pointers and arrays to deal with strings.

Sample Output:

What is your name? Roman

How old are you? 30

What is your favorite color? black

Roman is a 30 year old who likes his black laptop

Sample Output (second run of the same program):

What is your name? Roman

How old are you? 30

What is your favorite color? black

Roman is a 30 year old who likes his black Toyota Corolla


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[Solved] Introduction to Programming Languages CECS130 Lab #5.