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Complete the implementation of the Index Referencing implementation of binary tree. (C language)
#include<stdio.h/* 1 Define symbolic constants MAX to represent the number of nodes in the tree*/
/* 2 Define the structure of node where data represents either the operator or the operand in the node and the
children are represented as integer */
/* 3 Declare an array of nodes and initialise the values based on the Index Referencing table. Where there is
supposed to be a NULL because it is a leaf and not an operand, use -1 instead of 0 because 0 is the firstarray index */
void displayNode(char data);
void preorder(int i);void postorder(int i);void inorder(int i);main(){printf(
Pre Order Traversal : );preorder(0);printf(
InOrder Traversal : );inorder(0);printf(
Post Order Traversal : );postorder(0);}
void displayNode(char data){printf(%c, data);}
/*4 Complete the function definition for the preorder function */void preorder(int i){if (i != -1){
/*5 Complete the function definition for the postorder function */void postorder(int i){if (i != -1){
}}/*6 Complete the function definition for the inorder function */void inorder(int i){if (i != -1){
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