[Solved] [Functions/Methods]

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  • Create the pseudo-code/flowchart for an application class named Monogram. Its main() method inputs three variables that hold your first, middle, and last initials, respectively. Create a method(called Monogram()) to which you pass the three initials and that displays the initials twice—once in the order of first, middle, and last, and a second time in traditional monogram style (first, last, middle). Main inputs the data, you pass it to the Monogram Function, which will output the data.
  • Design an application that will convert either “Fahrenheit to Celsius” or “Celsius to Fahrenheit”. Have the user enter a 1 to convert “Fahrenheit to Celsius” and a 2 for “Celsius to Fahrenheit”. If the user enters any other number, output an error message. Once the user enters a 1, call a Method(called FtoC()) that à does the input, calculation and output for a Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion. If the user enters a 2, call a Method(called CtoF()) that à does the input, calculation and output for a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion. Also write the pseudo-code.
  • Design an application that will Calculate the area of a Shape. Have the user enter a “C” to use a Circle, an “S” to use a Square and an “R” to use a Rectangle. If the user enters any other letter or number, output an error message. Once the user enters a “C”, call a Method(called Circle()) that à does the input, calculation and output to Calculate the area of a Circle. If the user enters an “S”, call a Method(called Square()) that à does the input, calculation and output to Calculate the area of a Square. If the user enters an “R”, call a Method(called Rectangle()) that à does the input, calculation and output to Calculate the area of a Rectangle. Also write the pseudo-code.
  • Create the pseudo-code/flowchart for an application that contains a main() method that continuously prompts the user for a number of dollars until the user enters 0. The main method passes the amount to a conversion method that displays the breakdown of the passed amount into the fewest bills; in other words, it calculates the number of 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s needed.

Hint #1: In Visual Logic you do an integer divide using the symbol “”. So if you wanted to divide 5 by 3 and not get a fractional result then you would say ” 5 3″ which will give you a result of 1.

Hint #2: In Visual Logic you can find the remainder of an integer division by using the MOD operator. So to get the remainder of 5 3 you would write 5 MOD 3 which would result in 2.


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[Solved] [Functions/Methods]
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