[Solved] First iteration, Second iteration, Third iteration, Fourth Iteration

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The 1st Iteration to include your Plan, Action, Observations, and Reflections.

  • Plan – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the planning activity that has taken place…may include agendas or other manuscripts as appropriate
  • Action – at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity
  • Observation – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis
  • Reflection – at least one page in length, should include a description of your thoughts about what happened, what went well, as well as not so well. If your iteration was a meeting, you may want to discuss the effectiveness of the meeting, did you have the best participants, did you miss any (not invite) or learned during the meeting you should have invited someone else..if so, what are your thoughts regarding mitigation …etc…

Remember to support appropriately. Use ‘personal communications’ as necessary.

The 2nd Iteration to include your Plan, Action, Observations, and Reflections.

  • Plan – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the planning activity that has taken place…may include agendas or other manuscripts as appropriate
  • Action – at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity
  • Observation – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis
  • Reflection – at least one page in length, should include a description of your thoughts about what happened, what went well, as well as not so well. If your iteration was a meeting, you may want to discuss the effectiveness of the meeting, did you have the best participants, did you miss any (not invite) or learned during the meeting you should have invited someone else..if so, what are your thoughts regarding mitigation …etc…

Remember to support appropriately. Use ‘personal communications’ as necessary.

The 3rd Iteration to include your Plan, Action, Observations, and Reflections.

  • Plan – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the planning activity that has taken place…may include agendas or other manuscripts as appropriate
  • Action – at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity
  • Observation – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis
  • Reflection – at least one page in length, should include a description of your thoughts about what happened, what went well, as well as not so well. If your iteration was a meeting, you may want to discuss the effectiveness of the meeting, did you have the best participants, did you miss any (not invite) or learned during the meeting you should have invited someone else..if so, what are your thoughts regarding mitigation …etc…

Remember to support appropriately. Use ‘personal communications’ as necessary.

The 4th Iteration to include your Plan, Action, Observations, and Reflections.

  • Plan – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the planning activity that has taken place…may include agendas or other manuscripts as appropriate
  • Action – at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity
  • Observation – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis
  • Reflection – at least one page in length, should include a description of your thoughts about what happened, what went well, as well as not so well. If your iteration was a meeting, you may want to discuss the effectiveness of the meeting, did you have the best participants, did you miss any (not invite) or learned during the meeting you should have invited someone else..if so, what are your thoughts regarding mitigation …etc…

Remember to support appropriately. Use ‘personal communications’ as necessary.

Here is where the diagram follows, providing the reader a visual of the Action Research Project. Following Page

Iteration 1Brainstorming Session
Iteration 2 Division Meeting(One on One)
Iteration 3Coordinating Meeting

Detailed Action Research Steps

  1. PLAN
    1. Identify a problem or an innovation- create a research question that focuses on one strategy or innovation
    2. Develop a plan of action -Design a plan of action that will allow you to test your hypothesis
      1. A higher order question (not yes/no)
      2. Use common language not jargon
  • Be concise
  1. Be meaningful
  2. Don’t have an answer yet
  1. Gather preliminary data about the problem (Literature Review)
  2. Interpret the data – analyze and identify major themes
    1. Create an hypothesis (What is your educated guess about the outcome of the new practice or innovation?
    2. Alter only one variable
    3. Make the one change
    1. Collect data and Analyze your results (post-data collection)
      1. What were the effects of the intervention?
      2. Has improvement occurred?
  • What evidence do you have to support your conclusion?
    1. What additional questions were raised by the data?
    2. Plan for additional improvements, revisions, and next steps.
    3. Start over from the point of the outcome…


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[Solved] First iteration, Second iteration, Third iteration, Fourth Iteration
30 $