Problem 1
- Simulate T = 500 observations from an AR(1) process for = {0.25,0.5,0.75,0.8,0.9}.
yt = yt1 + t
- Treat the artificial from the simulations above as observed data by an econometrician.
- Estimate each model via OLS.
- Test the standard null hypothesis of = 0 with a standard t-test for significance levels {0.01,0.05,0.10} for each one and report the results in a table. Provide test statistics, standard errors, critical values, p-values, etc.
- Pick one of the parameter values for the models above and do the following:
- Use the Central Limit Theorem to derivive a sampling distribution for . Present the parameter values of the sampling distribution. Produce a graph of the distribution.
- Use parametric Monte Carlo to simulate the sampling distribution. Use M = 10,000 repititions. Use the sample mean and standard deviation to estimate the parameter values of the distribution. Produce a histogram.
- Use the IID Bootstrap to simulate the sampling distribution. Use B = 10,000 repititions. Use the sample mean and standard deviation to estimate the parameter values of the distribution. Produce a histogram.
- Compare all three methods.
- Can you interpret the last two distributions as predictive densities?
- Return to the problem in 5 above and redo the simulation from step one, but replace the error distribution with a Student-T distribution with df = 5 (degrees of freedom parameter). Even though we know at the generation stage that the errors come from the Student-T distribution, the econometrician assumes a normal distribution when using the CLT and parametric Monte Carlo. The bootstrap obviously does not need to make such assumptions. Compare to the results above.
Problem 2
Simulate an AR(1) process with parameter = 0.8 by using the MA() representation. Hint: you will have to truncate the MA() representation, yielding an approximation to the AR(1). Recall that the AR(1) can be represented by the following (i.e. the MA() representation):
xt tj where x0 is the initial condition.
- Plot the simulated time series.
- Estimate via OLS. Report the usual suspects.
Problem 3
Take the AR(1) model above:
yt = yt1 + t with = 0.8
- Run the following simulation:
- Set 0 = 1.0 Set y0 = 0.0 Set all t = 0.0 for t > 0
- Plot the simulated process {y}Tt=0 as a function of time. This is called the impluse response function. Interpret it in terms of the MA () coefficients for the AR(1) representation.
- Simulate T = 50 time steps in the process.
Problem 5
Simulate T = 500 observations from the following ARMA model:
yt = 1yt 1 + 2yt2 + 1t1 + 2t2 + t
Choose appropriate values for the AR and MA coefficients, as well as for .
- Plot the simulated time series.
- Calculate 0, 1 and 2.
Problem 6
- Simulate T = 500 time steps for the following two equations:
yt = yt1 + u1,t xt = xt1 + u2,t
- where uj,t j = 1,2 are independent standard white noise processes.
- Next regress yt on xt and estimate (slope coefficient) via OLS in the following regression
yt = + xt + t
- Test the null hypothesis H0 : = 0 against the alternative Ha : = 06 . Use the standard t-test with standard significance levels (0.01, 0.05, and 0.10). What should you find? What do you find?
- Repeat the process M = 50,000 times and store the coefficients for each run of the simulation.
- Summarize the simulated sampling distribution for .
- Make a histogram plot of the simulated coefficients.
Problem 7
- Repeat the exercise in Problem 1 above for = 1.
- Comment on your findings.
Problem 8
- Simulate T = 500 time steps from the random walk model
xt = xt1 + u1,t Next simulate T = 500 time steps from the model
yt = + xt + t
- Where = 0.22 and = 2.
- N(0,1) (white noise process)
- Use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test to check for the presence of a unit-root in both yt and xt. What do you find? What should you find?
- Implement the Engle-Granger two-step method by:
- First, test for cointegration by submitting t to the ADF Test. What do you find?
- Obtain via OLS.
- Estimate the error-correction model with p = 1 and include contemporaneous xt.
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