[Solved] CS2110 Project1-Hardware Basics


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This project is designed to strengthen your knowledge of basic hardware elements and circuitry. The assignment is designed to build on each other, so work down the document linearly, otherwise you may not understand what is going on.

Please read through the entire document before starting. Often times things are elaborated on below where they are introduced, so reading the entire document can give you a better grasp on things. Start early and if you get stuck, theres always Piazza or come visit us in office hours.

2 Setup

The software you will be using for this project and all future circuit based assignments is called CircuitSim an interactive circuit simulation package.

In order to use CircuitSim, you must have Docker up and running. If you do not have Docker, follow the instructions laid out in the installation guide found under Canvas Files Docker.

CircuitSim comes pre-installed on the Docker image, and should be accessible via the desktop. Please only use the CircuitSim through Docker to build your circuits as it is the correct version. CircuitSim downloaded elsewhere may not be compatible with our grader. You have been warned.

CircuitSim is a powerful simulation tool designed for educational use. This gives it the advantage of being a little more forgiving than some of the more commercial simulators. However, it still requires some time and effort to be able to use the program efficiently.

3 Part 1 Introduction to CircuitSim

The first part of this project is designed to get you up to speed with CircuitSim. If you do not have CircuitSim running through Docker, see the setup section of this document to get there.

3.1 Read Resources

Read through the following resources

  • CircuitSim Wires Documentation https://ra4king.github.io/CircuitSim/docs/wires/
  • Tutorial 1: My First Circuit https://ra4king.github.io/CircuitSim/tutorial/tut-1-beginner

3.2 Complete Tutorial 2

Complete Tutorial 2 https://ra4king.github.io/CircuitSim/tutorial/tut-2-xor

Name the subcircuit Tutorial 1. Instead of saving your file xor.sim as mentioned in the tutorial, edit the existing file tutorial1.sim. Be sure you label your two inputs a and b, and your output as c.

3.3 Complete Tutorial 3

Complete Tutorial 3 https://ra4king.github.io/CircuitSim/tutorial/tut-3-tunnels-splitters

Name the subcircuit Tutorial 2, the input in, and the output out. Edit the file called tutorial2.sim.

4 Part 2 ALU

Now that we have the basics down, we can move on to more complex circuits and logic. All computer processors have a very important component known as the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). This component allows the computer to do, as the name suggests, arithmetic and logical operations. For this part, youre going to build an ALU of your own, along with creating some of the gates.

For this part of the project you will:

  1. Create the standard logic gates (NAND, NOR, NOT, AND, OR)
  2. Create an 8-input multiplexer and an 8-output decoder
  3. Create a 1-bit full adder
  4. Create an 8-bit full adder using your 1-bit full adder
  5. Use your 8-bit full adder and other components to construct an 8-bit ALU

When building these circuits, restrictions have been placed on what you can use. These restrictions are listed at the beginning of each section. Using anything not listed will result in heavy deductions. You also need to have everything in its correctly named sub-circuit. More information on the sub-circuits is given below.

Use tunnels where necessary to make your designs more readable, but do not overdo it! For gates, multiplexers, decoders, and adders you can often make clean circuits by placing your components strategically rather than using tunnels everywhere.

4.1 1-Bit Logic Gates

Allowed Components: Wiring Tab and Circuits Tab

All of the circuits are found in the gates.sim file.

For this part, you will create a transistor-level implementation of the NAND, NOT, NOR, AND, and OR logic gates.

Remember for this section that you are only allowed to use the components listed in the Wiring section, along with any of the logic gates you are implementing in CircuitSim. For example, once you implement the NOT gate you are free to use that subcircuit in implementing other logic gates. Implementing the gates in the order of the subcircuit tabs can be the easiest option.

Hint: Start by creating the NAND and NOT gates from transistors. Then use this gate as a subcircuit for implementing the others.

All of the logic gates must be within their named sub-circuits.

4.2 Muxes

Allowed Components: Wiring Tab, Gates Tab, and Circuits Tab

All of the circuits are found in the muxes.sim file.

4.2.1 Multiplexer, commonly abbreviated as mux

The multiplexer you will be creating has 8 1-bit inputs (labeled appropriately as A, B, C, , H), a single 3-bit selection input (SEL), and one 1-bit output (OUT). The multiplexer uses the SEL input to choose a specific input line for forwarding to the output. 000 should correspond to A, 001 should correspond to B, etc.

4.2.2 Decoder

The decoder you will be creating has a single 3-bit selection input (SEL), and eight 1-bit outputs (labeled A, B, C, , H). The decoder uses the SEL input to raise a specific output line. 000 should correspond to A, 001 should correspond to B, etc.

4.3 Adders

Allowed Components: Wiring Tab, Gates Tab, and Circuits Tab

All of the circuits are found in the alu.sim file.

4.3.1 1-Bit Adder

The full adder has three 1-bit inputs (A, B, and CIN), and two 1-bit outputs (SUM and COUT). The full adder adds A + B + CIN and places the sum in SUM and the carry-out in COUT.

For example:

A = 0, B = 1, CIN = 0 ==> SUM = 1, COUT = 0

A = 1, B = 0, CIN = 1 ==> SUM = 0, COUT = 1

Hint: Making a truth table of the inputs will help you.

4.3.2 8-Bit Adder

You should daisy-chain 8 of your 1-bit full adders together in order to make an 8-bit full adder.

This circuit should have two 8-bit inputs (A and B) for the numbers youre adding, and one 1-bit input for CIN. The reason for the CIN has to do with using the adder for purposes other than adding the two inputs.

There should be one 8-bit output for SUM and one 1-bit output for COUT.

4.4 8-Bit ALU

Allowed Components: Wiring Tab, Gates Tab, Plexer Tab, and Circuits Tab

You will create an 8-bit ALU with the following operations. Feel free to use the circuits you made in previous parts of this lab to implement the following operations.

000 add [A + B]
001 sub [A B]
010 min [min(A, B)]
011 barrelShifter See below
100 floorPowerOf2 See below
101 isMultipleOf8 [A % 8 == 0]
110 multiplyBy3 [A * 3]
111 isOdd [A % 2 == 1]

barrelShifter: For this operation, you will need to implement a barrel shifter. At its core, a barrel shifter is a circuit that allows you to shift the bits of a word by a certain amount using only combinational logic. For the barrel shifter in this project, you will need to create an 8-bit barrel shifter that will shift the bits of A to the left by the amount specified in the SHIFT input pin in the alu.sim file.


A = 00101111, SHIFT = 010 => return 10111100

A = 11110000, SHIFT = 001 => return 11100000

Hint: Think about how you can use multiplexers to implement this shifting! You may need quite a few of them.

floorPowerOf2: To elaborate, this operation should return the 8-bit representation of the value that is produced when C is floored to the nearest power of 2. If there is no valid result to return (no power of 2 is produced when C is floored) return 0. Keep in mind that C is given in a 4-bit representation.


C = 0110 => return 00000100

C = 1100 => return 00000000

Notice that barrelShifter, floorPowerOf2, isMultipleOf8, multiplyBy3, and isOdd only operate on the A or C input. They should NOT rely on B being a particular value.

This ALU has two 8-bit inputs for A and B, one 4-bit input for C, one 3-bit input for SHIFT, and one 3-bit input for OP, which is the op-code for the operation in the list above. It has one 8-bit output named OUT.

The provided autograder will check the op-codes according to the order listed above (add (000), sub (001), etc.) and thus it is important that the operations are in this exact order.

No partial credit will be given for incorrect outputs for logic gates, plexers, or adders. However, for the ALU, partial credit will be awarded on a per-operation basis, wherein each operation must perform successfully to be awarded credit. Because of this, we urge you to check your score before the due date.

5 Part 3 Advanced Combinational Logic

In a not-so-imaginary world, each circuit in a house can only output so much power before blowing a fuse. However, you could also accomplish something similar with a smarthome-style set up and the Internet of Things, and cutting the power if too many things are in use for the circuit to be safe. We are going to do neither of those things and instead solve it with a bit of good ole combinational logic! For the average 15A, 120V circuit in a residential setting, there is a theoretical max output of 1800W before bad things happen. The devices on the circuit that can be turned on or off are shown in the table below:

Fridge 1000W,400W
Microwave 600W
Lights 180W
Toaster 800W
CoffeeMaker 600W

For the fridge, we never want to leave our fridge off if we have the chance, so instead of thinking of it being on or off, we will think of it as the F signal high/1 representing the fridge running, only consuming 400W, and the F signal low/0 representing the fridge being started up, consuming 1000W. For this reason we will use 2 separate K-maps, one for when the fridge is already running, and one for when we also need to consider it starting up. After that we can use some combinational logic to turn this into a control circuit! The output of the K-map and your control circuit should be if power can be delivered to all devices considering what the fridge is doing, with high/1 being yes the power can be supplied and low/0 being that the circuit would be dangerous and power should not be supplied.

As always, do not change/delete any of the input/output pins.

5.1 Karnaugh Maps

While it is not a deliverable, making 2 K-maps and reducing boolean expressions will make this circuit significantly easier to design. To aid this, we have provided a template for both K-maps below:

F M0L0 M0L ML ML0 F0 M0L0 M0L ML ML0
T0C0 T0C0

5.2 Boolean Logic Details

For this part of the project, we are asking that you approach this problem in sum of products format.

This means that after your reductions using the K-maps, you should have something in the format

D = A0B + C

before attempting to build the circuit. Failure to do so can lead to complications in your circuit that prevent the reduction we are looking for.

5.3 Circuit Details

To prevent trivialization of this assignment, we have placed a few restrictions:

  • All of this circuit should be contained in the sim file
  • You can only use NOT, AND, and OR gates (in addition to wiring, text labels and the like)
  • You should try to reduce the amount of AND and OR gates as much as possible.

Hint: The K-maps do this for you!

6 Autograder

To run the autograder, run

java -jar project1-tester-1.0.jar

at a command prompt in the same directory as all your .sim files. This is the same autograder that Gradescope uses, but is much easier and faster to use.

7 Deliverables

Please submit the follow files:

  1. tutorial1.sim
2. tutorial2.sim umbrella
3. gates.sim NOT, NAND, NOR, AND, OR
4. muxes.sim Decoder, MUX
5. alu.sim 1-Bit Adder, 8-Bit Adder, 8-Bit ALU
6. kitchen.sim Advanced Combinational Logic

to Gradescope under the assignment Project 1.

Note: The autograder may not reflect your final grade on this assignment. We reserve the right to update the autograder as we see fit when grading.


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[Solved] CS2110 Project1-Hardware Basics