[Solved] ECE650 Homework5- Rootkit


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In this assignment, you will implement a portion of Rootkit functionality to gain:

  1. Hands-on practice with kernel programming
  2. A detailed understanding of the operation of system calls within the kernel
  3. Practice with fork/exec to launch child processes
  4. An understanding of the types of malicious activities that attackers may attempt against a system (particularly against privileged systems programs).

Our assumption will be that via a successful exploit of a vulnerability, you have gained the ability to execute privileged code in the system. Your attack code will be represented by a small program that you will write, which will (among a few other things, described below) load a kernel module that will conceal the presence of your attack program as well as some of its malicious activities. The specific functionality required of the attack program and kernel module (as well as helpful hints about implementing this functionality) are described next.

Tips on Working with the Virtual Machine

When you create your virtual machine and log-in for the first time, you will notice there may be few programs installed (e.g. no gcc, emacs, vim, etc.). You can download your choice of software easily using the command: sudo apt-get install <package name>. For example:

sudo apt install build-essential emacs

Detailed Submission Instructions

Your submission will include 3 (and only 3) files:

  1. c The source code for your sneaky module with functionality as described below.
  2. c The source code for your sneaky (attack) program with functionality as described below.
  3. Makefile A makefile that will compile sneaky_process.c into sneaky_process, and will compile sneaky_mod.c into sneaky_mod.ko. In most cases, this will simply be the example Makefile provided with the skeleton module example code.

You will submit a single zip file named proj5_netid.zip to gradescope, e.g.:

zip proj5_netid.zip sneaky_mod.c sneaky_process.c Makefile

Attack Program

Your attack program (named sneaky_process.c) will give you practice with executing system calls by calling relevant APIs (for process creation, file I/O, and receiving keyboard input from standard input) from a user program. Your program should operate in the following steps if you run sudo ./sneaky_process:

  1. Your program should print its own process ID to the screen, with exactly following message (the print command in your code may vary, but the printed text should match):

printf(sneaky_process pid = %d
, getpid());

  1. Your program will perform 1 malicious act. It will copy the /etc/passwd file (used for user authentication) to a new file: /tmp/passwd. Then it will open the /etc/passwd file and print a new line to the end of the file that contains a username and password that may allow a desired user to authenticate to the system. Note that this wont actually allow you to authenticate to the system as the sneakyuser, but this step illustrates a type of subversive behavior that attackers may utilize. This line added to the password file should be exactly the following:


  1. Your program will load the sneaky module (sneaky_mod.ko) using the insmod command. Note that when loading the module, your sneaky program will also pass its process ID into the module. You may reference the following page for an understanding of how to pass arguments to a kernel module upon loading it: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x323.html
  2. Your program will then enter a loop, reading a character at a time from the keyboard input until it receives the character q (for quit). Then the program will exit this waiting loop. Note this step is here so that you will have a chance to interact with the system while: 1) your sneaky process is running, and 2) the sneaky kernel module is loaded. This is the point when the malicious behavior will be tested in another terminal on the same system while the process is running.
  3. Your program will unload the sneaky kernel module using the rmmod command. It is acceptable if the system crashes after rmmod.
  4. Your program will restore the /etc/passwd file (and remove the addition of sneakyuser authentication information) by copying /tmp/passwd to /etc/passwd.

Recall that a process can execute a new program by: 1) using fork() to create a child process and 2) the child process can use some flavor of the exec*() system call to execute a new program. You will want your parent attack process to wait on the new child process (e.g. using the waitpid() call) after each fork() of a child. Remember system() is a wrapper around fork() and execve().

Sneaky Kernel Module (a Linux Kernel Module LKM)

Your sneaky kernel module will implement the following subversive actions:

  1. It will hide the sneaky_process executable file from both the ls and find UNIX commands. For example, if your executable file named sneaky_process is located in /home/userid/hw5:
    1. ls /home/userid/hw5 should show all files in that directory except for sneaky_process.
    2. cd /home/userid/hw5; ls should show all files in that directory except for


  1. find /home/userid -name sneaky_process should not return any results
  1. In a UNIX environment, every executing process will have a directory under /proc that is named with its process ID (e.g /proc/1480). This directory contains many details about the process. Your sneaky kernel module will hide the /proc/<sneaky_process_id> directory (note hiding a directory with a particular name is equivalent to hiding a file!). For example, if your sneaky_process is assigned process ID of 500, then:
    1. ls /proc should not show a sub-directory with the name 500
    2. ps -a -u <your_user_id> should not show an entry for process 500 named sneaky_process (since the ps command looks at the /proc directory to examine all executing processes).
  2. It will hide the modifications to the /etc/passwd file that the sneaky_process made. It will do this by opening the saved /tmp/passwd when a request to open the /etc/passwd is seen. For example:
    1. cat /etc/passwd should return contents of the original password file without the modifications the sneaky process made to /etc/passwd.
  3. It will hide the fact that the sneaky_module itself is an installed kernel module. The list of active kernel modules is stored in the /proc/modules file. Thus, when the contents of that file are read, the sneaky_module will remove the contents of the line for sneaky_mod from the buffer of read data being returned. For example:
    1. lsmod should return a listing of all modules except for the sneaky_mod

Your overall submission will be tested by compiling your kernel module and sneaky process, running the sneaky process, and then executing commands as described above to make sure your module is performing the intended subversive actions.

Helpful Hints and Tips for Implementing sneaky_mod.c

  • This assignment should not require a tremendous amount of code. For example, in my sample solution, the sneaky_process.c file has approximately 120 lines of code, and the sneaky_mod.c file has approximately 200 lines.
  • You can inspect the system calls that are made by a command using the strace UNIX command, e.g. strace ls.
  • For these subversive actions in the sneaky kernel module, you will need to hijack (and possibly modify the contents being returned by) system calls.
    • For #1 and #2, read up on the getdents system call (get directory entries): int getdents(unsigned int fd, struct linux_dirent *dirp, unsigned int count). I would highly recommend reading the man getdents page (including code sample). It will fill in an array of struct linux_dirent objects, one for each file or directory found within a directory. You should also place the following struct definition at the top of your sneaky_mod.c code to make sure that the struct linux_dirent is interpreted correctly:

struct linux_dirent { u64 d_ino; s64 d_off; unsigned short d_reclen; char d_name[BUFFLEN];

}; o For #2, you can know the sneaky_process pid by using the module_param() technique described here: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x323.html

  • For #3, you should check out the open system call (as in the skeleton kermel module posted). Note that if, say, you wanted to pass a new string filename to the open system call function, that string has to be in user space and not something defined in your kernel space module. You can use the copy_to_user() function to achieve that:

copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long nbytes)

Hint, for the user buffer, could you use the character buffer passed into the open() call?

  • For #4, you may want to check out the read system call.
  • You may also need to modify the function pointers to pages_rw, pages_ro and sys_call_table used in the program. This information can be extracted from your system using the following command (already mentioned in the sneaky_mod.c file comment):

sudo cat /boot/System.map-*-*-generic | grep -e set_pages_rw -e set_pages_ro -e sys_call_table

Sample output:

> sudo cat /boot/System.map-*-*-generic | grep -e set_pages_rw

-e set_pages_ro -e sys_call_table ffffffff8107ba00 T set_pages_ro ffffffff8107ba70 T set_pages_rw ffffffff81e00240 R sys_call_table ffffffff81e01600 R ia32_sys_call_table ffffffff8107ba00 T set_pages_ro ffffffff8107ba70 T set_pages_rw ffffffff81e00240 R sys_call_table ffffffff81e01600 R ia32_sys_call_table

The first three from above (ignoring ia32) can be used to set the pointers in the program.

  • You may find functions such as memcpy useful in deleting information from a data structure, i.e. copy all the contents after the entry you want to delete to the position of the start of the data to delete and return the updated size (excluding the deleted entry).
  • If there are pieces of the skeleton module code that you are interested to understand more deeply, please ask on piazza! Wed be glad to give detailed descriptions.
  • Have fun with this assignment! Try out other sneaky actions, if youd like, once you get the hang of it.


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[Solved] ECE650 Homework5- Rootkit