[Solved] CPT120 Tutorial 11


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  1. Follow the materials under Canvas ModulesWe ek 12
5.1 With the help of your group tutor via the forums, convert the Java program below to either a C or a Python (version 3) program. Your code does not need to be tested and it is fine if it has syntax errors.
public class MysteryProgram { public static void main(String[] args){int a=1680; int b=a/2; int c=1; while(c<=(a/c)){ if (a%c==0){System.out.print(c+ x +(a/c)+ = +a+
);} c+=1;}}}
5.2 Add comments to your C or Python (version 3) program explaining what the above program does.


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[Solved] CPT120 Tutorial 11