In this assignment, you will create the front-end for the Chattrbox application. Complete the following:
- Work through Chapter 17 (Using ES6 with Babel), installing Babel, Browserify, and related utilities, and creating the ChatMessage class and ws-client
- Work through Chapter 18 (ES6, The Adventure Continues) to finish the Chattrbox application WARNING: The code in Chapter 18 has several errors. The following entries from the Errata page should address most of the issues:
Note that in Figure 18.7 on p. 359, the Chrome DevTools tab has been renamed from Resources to Application.
You may also wish to compare your code with the book-solutions/Chapter 18/ directory from
- Verify that Chattrbox is working by opening two browser windows and carrying on a conversation as in Figure 18.8 on p. 362. If you use the e-mail addresses shown, you should see the appropriate Gravatars.
- Push the contents of your project to a new GitHub repository using a git client (e.g., the git command-line client, GitHub Desktop. Do not submit files using drag-and- drop onto the repository web page, and do not push this assignment to the same repository as your previous homework assignments.
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