[Solved] CPE457 Lab15-Network Monitoring Malware


File Name: CPE457_Lab15-Network_Monitoring_Malware.zip
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SKU: [Solved] CPE457 Lab15-Network Monitoring Malware Category: Tag:
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Lab Description: The goal of this lab is to analyze network behavior using dynamic analysis tools.

Lab Environment: Use of variety of tools is needed for this lab. It is recommended to do this lab in a virtualized environment. The tools we will be using are:

  • ApateDNS
  • Wireshark
  • Process Monitor (ProcMon)
  • Text editor

Lab Files that are Needed:

  • exe
  • Word-dropper.zip
  • pcap

Lab Exercise 1 Using Wireshark to perform Live collection

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, & 3

Using both ApateDNS and WireShark, capture the DNS requests made by domain_generation.exe and answer the following questions:

  1. How many domains were generated?
  2. Is there a discernible pattern to the domains used?
  3. Did they change with each run of the program or were the domains consistent?

LAB EXERCISE 2 Using Wireshark to Analyze a PCAP

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, & 3

The purpose of this part is to understand the behavior of malware based on its network activity. Answer the following questions by providing short answers and/or screen shots.

Task 1 Use CryptoLocker.pcap

  • What domains do you think the malware tried to connect to (how many, roughly)?
  • Look up some of the IP addresses that were resolved using this service https://ipinfo.io/ (or any you prefer) did you notice any trends in the IPs used?
  • What happens when the sample can connect to a host?
  • Does it appear that the sample was able to successfully connect to any host? Hint, see the DNS query number 808 and the resulting TCP stream

Task 2 Use Word-Dropper.pcap

This capture came after opening a malicious Word Document.

  • What domains were used?
  • What happened after the domains tried to connect? What did the sample request and how did it request it?
  • Do you think the sample was successful in infecting the host?


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[Solved] CPE457 Lab15-Network Monitoring Malware