The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with CUDA programming.
In this problem, you need to use CUDA to parallelize concurrent wave equation (http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Wave equation). Below show a serial implementation of the concurrent wave equation (http: // wave.c).
/********************************************************************** * DESCRIPTION:* Serial Concurrent Wave Equation C Version* This program implements the concurrent wave equation*********************************************************************/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>#include <time.h>#define MAXPOINTS 1000000#define MAXSTEPS 1000000#define MINPOINTS 20 #define PI 3.14159265void check_param(void); void init_line(void); void update (void); void printfinal (void);int nsteps, /* number of time steps */ tpoints, /* total points along string */ rcode; /* generic return code */float values[MAXPOINTS+2], /* values at time t */ oldval[MAXPOINTS+2], /* values at time (t-dt) */ newval[MAXPOINTS+2]; /* values at time (t+dt) *//********************************************************************** * Checks input values from parameters*********************************************************************/ void check_param(void){char tchar[20];/* check number of points, number of iterations */ while ((tpoints < MINPOINTS) || (tpoints > MAXPOINTS)) { printf(Enter number of points along vibrating string [%d-%d]: ,MINPOINTS, MAXPOINTS); scanf(%s, tchar); tpoints = atoi(tchar);if ((tpoints < MINPOINTS) || (tpoints > MAXPOINTS)) printf(Invalid. Please enter value between %d and %d , MINPOINTS, MAXPOINTS);}while ((nsteps < 1) || (nsteps > MAXSTEPS)) { printf(Enter number of time steps [1-%d]: , MAXSTEPS); scanf(%s, tchar); |
nsteps = atoi(tchar); if ((nsteps < 1) || (nsteps > MAXSTEPS)) printf(Invalid. Please enter value between 1 and %d
printf(Using points = %d, steps = %d
, tpoints, nsteps);
* Initialize points on line
*********************************************************************/ void init_line(void)
int i, j; float x, fac, k, tmp;
/* Calculate initial values based on sine curve */ fac = 2.0 * PI; k = 0.0; tmp = tpoints 1; for (j = 1; j <= tpoints; j++) { x = k/tmp; values[j] = sin (fac * x); k = k + 1.0;
/* Initialize old values array */ for (i = 1; i <= tpoints; i++) oldval[i] = values[i];
/********************************************************************** * Calculate new values using wave equation
*********************************************************************/ void do_math(int i)
float dtime, c, dx, tau, sqtau;
dtime = 0.3; c = 1.0; dx = 1.0; tau = (c * dtime / dx); sqtau = tau * tau;
newval[i] = (2.0 * values[i]) oldval[i] + (sqtau * (-2.0)*values[ i]);
/********************************************************************** * Update all values along line a specified number of times
*********************************************************************/ void update()
int i, j;
/* Update values for each time step */ for (i = 1; i<= nsteps; i++) {
/* Update points along line for this time step */ for (j = 1; j <= tpoints; j++) { /* global endpoints */ if ((j == 1) || (j == tpoints)) newval[j] = 0.0;else do_math(j);}/* Update old values with new values */ for (j = 1; j <= tpoints; j++) { oldval[j] = values[j]; values[j] = newval[j];}}}/*********************************************************************** Print final results*********************************************************************/ void printfinal(){int i;for (i = 1; i <= tpoints; i++) { printf(%6.4f , values[i]); if (i%10 == 0)printf( );}}/*********************************************************************** Main program*********************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ sscanf(argv[1],%d,&tpoints); sscanf(argv[2],%d,&nsteps); check_param();printf(Initializing points on the line ); init_line();printf(Updating all points for all time steps ); update();printf(Printing final results ); printfinal(); printf( Done. );return 0;} |
2 Requirements
- Your program should take two command-line arguments, which indicate the number of points andthe number of iterations, respectively.
- The output format should not be changed.
3 Development Environment
3.1 Building the CUDA environment on your own computer
If you have an nVIDIA GPU, you can build your own development environment by installing CUDA SDK.
3.2 Using NCTU CS CUDA Server
We have set up four servers for this assignment. You can login to one of the servers to work on your assignment. Each server contains a GPU. TAs will grade your implementation on these servers, so please make sure your implementation works on the provided servers.
3.2.1 SSH Login Information
IP | Port | User Name | Password | | 3703137034 | [Student ID] | [Provided by TA] |
3.2.2 Compilation
You can use gcc to compile serial wave.c gcc serial wave.c -o serial wave -lm
Use nvcc to compile cuda nvcc cuda -o cuda wave
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