Write the following phone app. Make sure to comment your code and that your name is in a comment line at the beginning of code. You will only have to write the client side and the server is provided for you. A Note, there are files you will need in the repo, so create the repo first.
Battle Bot Arena Game
The object is attempt to destroy the other bot(s), before they destroys you. You will write a client program to control a bot in the arena. The games timing is based on the number of messages received by the server from the client. When movement rate, number of shots and recharge rate are discussed below, it is based on the messages received by the server, but the server protocol will
determine a regular the amount of time between messages.
About the bot:
Your client will control the movement and firing of the bot. You will also be able to scan the area around you bot for other bots and bullets. During the setup of your bot, you will be able to choose to add to the attributes of your bot. You have five points to use, but you dont have to use any or all 5 points.
- The amount of armor your bot has is between 1 and 5. The more armor the more hits your bot can take, before it dies. But the more armor you have the slower your bot will move. Movement rate is based on this equation: MoveRate = Armor 1. If you armor is 2, then the bot can move every other message and with an Armor of 5, it can move every 4 messages. A Note, Even if your armor is damaged by shooting and your bot is still alive, the bots MoveRate does not
- The power of the bullets your bot is firing is between 1 and 5. A bullet power of 1 will cause 1 point of damage, while 5 will inflict 5 points of damage. The more powerful, the less often you can fire and it will go a shorter distance. How often you can shoot is based on shot power * 10. The distance a bullet travels is based on the diagonal length of the arena divided by bullet power. So if the bullet power is 1, the bullet can travel the entire length of the arena. Last, shooting draws power from the drive engine to shoot, the movement will be affected, by the following equation: MoveCount = MoveCount So when firing a BulletPower of 5, the bot will not be able to move for 5 messages and cannot shoot again for 50 messages.
- Scan distance is between 1 and 5. Scan distance is the value times 100, so a value of 1, allows you to scan 100 pixels radius around the bot, while 5 allows you to scan a 500 radius around the bot. You can always scan and it does not affect shooting or movement.
The default for all three attributes is 1 and then you may choose to add to it, with the 5 additional points. You do not have to use all 5 points, but you cannot use more than a total of 5 points across the 3 attributes. Remember any given attribute can have at most 5, so the max you can add to any attribute is 4.
Protocol to talk to the server v1.6 (This will not work for v1.5 and below) Setup stage:
After the connection, the server sends you:
PID WidthArena HeighArena NumberOfBots Team
Note, team is your team number. You cannot hurt or be hurt by the same team. If the team number is zero, there are no teams.
Example message: 1 250 250 2 1 //You are player 1, arena is 250x 250, there are 2 players, and you are on team 1.
Client sends back:
NameOfBot ArmourValue BulletValue ScanValue
Example message: Testbot 0 0 3 #note does not need to use all 5 points
If clients sends back information, then the server sends setup error and info needs to be resent correctly otherwise sends back bot info
name ArmourValue MoveRate ScanDistance BulletPower RateOfFire BulletDistance RedColor GreenColor BlueColor
Example message: Testbot 1 0 400 1 10 707 255 0 0
Once the server returns the final information about your bot, you will wait until the first status message
Full example:
SERVER: setup 0 500 500 2 0
CLIENT: me 0 0 3
SERVER: me 1 0 400 1 10 707 255 0 0
Game stage:
Once clients receive the first status message the game has started and the server sends a status message every time the server is ready to accept a new action from the client.
status message:
Status X Y MoveCount ShotCount HP
example: Status 162 110 0 0 2
at position 162,110 You can shoot and move, Armor value of 2
example: Status 162 110 0 -10 2
at position 162,110 You can move. 10 messages until you can shoot. Armor value of 2
Once the Status message is read, the server is now ready to receive one command. The client can send 1 of 4 different messages: noop, move, fire, scan
- Noop, do nothing, but MoveCount and ShotCount counts will increment if non-zero. message: noop
- Move, move 1 pixel in 1 of 8 directions, based on X and Y. If bot is able to move, then the bot will be moved 1 pixel based on the direction indicated by x and y value. ShotCount will increment if non-zero. If the bot cannot move, then MoveRate is decremented (as if you did move) but the bot will not move and ShotCount will remain unchanged.
message: move X Y
example message: move 0 -1 #move up 1 pixel
example message: move 1 1 #move down and to right 1 pixel
Note: X and Y can be any positive or negative number, but the bot only moves 1 pixel.
- Fire, shoot a bullet based on an angle. If the bot is able to fire a bullet, then a bullet will be fired in the direction of the angle. Remember, MoveCount will be decremented (see above). If the bot is not able to fire, then ShotCount will be decremented ( as if you did shoot) and MoveCount will remain unchanged.
message: fire ANGLE
example message: fire 0 #shoot a bullet straight up
example message: fire 270 #shot a bullet to the left
- Scan, then server sends information about the bullets, bots, and power ups within the scan Note if will return your bullets too. ShotCount and MoveCount will increment if nonzero.
message: scan
Return info from the server message
if there are bots within range the following message will be sent
scan bot PID X Y Team RedColor GreenColor BlueColor
if there are bullets within range the following message will be sent
if there is a power up in range the following message will be sent
scan powerup TYPE X Y
When the scan is done, the following will be sent.
scan done
example: nothing in range
scan done
example: 1 bot, 2 bullets, and a power up in range
scan bot 2 150 75 1 255 0 0
scan shot 2 21 1 150 90 1
scan shot 2 22 1 150 80 1
scan powerup 1 100 100
scan done
Power Ups
There will appear power up boxes on the screen, drawn as a box with an X.
The bot that shots the box will receive a Power Up. There are the following types and message sent to bot (if a message is sent to the bot)
Type Color Description
0 Red Add 1 HP (to a max of 5) with no penalty on movement count
message: Info PowerUp ArmorUp
1 Blue The cost to move will be decremented by 1 (to a min of 0)
message: Info PowerUp MoveFaster
2 Green The cost to fire will be decremeneted by 2 (to a min of 1)
message: Info PowerUp FireFaster
3 Orange At no cost, the bot will fire every 15 angle a shot.
4 Yellow Box explodes, a shot every 15 angle will be fired from the box
5 purple Add 1 Shot Power, no penalty to shot cost to bot (the bullet range will be effected)
Max of 5 shot Power
message: Info PowerUp FireUp
6 Brown shots from the bot will move faster (max of 5 of this power up per bot)
message: Info PowerUp FireMoveFaster
7 Gray Teleport. The bot will be moved to a new random location on the board
message: Info PowerUp Teleport
Other information your bot may receive.
Before the Status message, they maybe Info messages about what has happened.
Info hit by PID SHOTID #Youve been shot by PID, see status message for armor
Info BadCmd #Your command was not accepted.
Info Dead #Your Dead, game over NO Status message will follow
Info GameOver #Game over, you have won. Same, no status message
When either Info Dead and GameOver is sent, the server closes the connection.
Info Alive NUMBER #A bot has been killed, there are NUMBER enemy left in play.
Info PowerUp X #see power up list for message details.
Info Alive 2 # There are now 2 bots alive (1 of them is you!).
Info hit by 2 22 #player 2s bullet hit you
Status 162 110 -1 -19 1
You are at 162,100, you cant move for 1 message, cant shot for 19 messages and you have an armor value of 1
About how bots and bullets are drawn in the arena and collisions
All bots are drawn as a 1010 square. The position show by the status message is the upper left point. So if the bot status shows 150 150, the bot is drawn from 150,150 to 150,160, to 160,160 and 160,150, and back to 150,150. Bullets are also drawn as a square and the position shown in the scan is the upper left point. The bullet power + 1 is the length of each side, so bullet power of 1 is drawn as 22 square and a bullet of 5 is a 66 square. Power Ups are drawn as a 1010 square.
If a bot tries to move into a wall, then the move is prevented by the server (the message is ignored) and no damage is taken by the bot.
You are to write an app that basically turns the phone into a joy stick. How you design the UI is up to you. But you app should able to read all the messages and send out all 4 messages as well. You UI gets user input and sends it to the server, plus deal with errors, like User tried to move, but they are not allowed to yet. You can include AI as you want, but you must be able to turn it off and run manually for both movement and firing.
How to run the server:
The server is provided for you and 2 client bots. The server is expected to be run from the command line. It can take 1 command line argument. Command: java -jar BatBot16.jar <Number of players> If you leave off number of players, it defaults to 1 player. This is a test mode, so you can test your bot. To exit the server, press q or ESC over the battle Arena window. The server listens on port 3012 for the clients.
For team play, java -jar BatBot16.jar <Number of players> <Size of teams>
So player 4 and team size of 2, gets 2 teams of 2 players. But this allows you have different sized teams, say 3 players and team size is 2. Will be 2 teams, first one of 2 players and team 2 of 1 player.
You are also provided with a test bots to play against. To run the clients command: java jar uinput.jar This is for you to test the protocol. The clients assume localhost, so you must run them on the same machine as the server. Strafe is a far more interesting bot, jar strafe.jar (again assumes localhost).
Please note when connecting the phone to your laptop/computer, you may need to temporary turn off the firewall on the computer (or open port 3012)
Since we will be unable to play in class, your app will be tested by running it and playing against strafe. To get full points, your bot must connect correctly, and move once and fire once. You must leave detailed instructions on how to connect the bot and move and shoot, so we can grade these quickly. Failing to do so, will cost you points.
Soft copy:
- Use this link to create your repo https://classroom.github.com/a/NkGqK-r4
- Upload the project to your repo
- Create/Edit the md file, add the following:
o Course number 4730 or 5730
o Name
o how to run the program (this is likely very simple for program 1),
o which phone/emulator to run on including special information like android version (ie v4.4) and screen size.
- Or if you are using the borrowed, phone, Pixel 2
o How to connect your bot to the server, how to move and shoot.
- Lastly ensure everything has uploaded to the github website and not just the local repo.
Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.
There are no reviews yet.