[Solved] Cosc 54730 Program #2


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SKU: [Solved] Cosc 54730 – Program #2 Category: Tag:
5/5 - (1 vote)

Write the following application. You will be using the GUI lectures to complete this assignment. The implementation of the GUI is left for you, but it should be intuitive to use. You may need to use several layouts in order to make the interface usable.

Tip calculator:

This is a useful program for most people when they are at a restaurant and need to figure some information quickly with the bill. Your program will allow the following:

Enter the amount, percent of the tip to be left, whether they want a rounding method.

There are two rounding methods:

  1. Round TOTAL bill to near dollar
  2. Round the TIP to nearest dollar (then add to bill amount).

The user can select one of the two or no rounding. The default would be no rounding.

GRADUATE only section.

The split function:

This means the bill (and tip) will be split equally among the party. When the bill is to be split, it MUST show extra information. It would still show the tip and total bill, but it must also show the split per person, Rounding will have similar results, round per tip per each person or rounding the total bill per person. The default value for the split is 1.


Soft copy:

  1. Use this link to create your repo https://classroom.github.com/a/Vl2OD5Av
  2. Upload the project to your repo
  3. Create/Edit the md file, add the following:

o Course number 4730 or 5730

o Name

o how to run the program (this is could be pretty simple statement),

o which phone/emulator to run on including special information like android version (ie 10) and screen size.

  • Or if you are using the borrowed, phone, Pixel 2.
  1. Lastly ensure everything has uploaded to the github website and not just the local repo.

Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.


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[Solved] Cosc 54730 Program #2